My gears burned up....but not the ones your thinking of


New Member
Aug 3, 2003
allen park
i was driving home last night from hockey and i was going about 80 mph,...all of a sudden my car starts jerking so i turn down the radio and i'm like wtf....about 10 seconds later i smell a horrible burning which smells like gear oil....i get off the next exit and pull over....nothing leaking...everything looks i drive the rest of the way home (about 10 miles)...when i got off the exit at home i slowed down to a stop light....everything seemed fine...then i took off and all i hear is my gears sounding like they are clunking around in the differential....but the thing that gets me is i just changed the fluid and it hasnt been leaking so i know there is enough in there....any ideas what this could be?...i wont get a chance to tear it apart til this weekend so i want some things to look for
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why did you say...... " But not the ones your thinking of" I suspected you ment the rear end gears before I read this. Check the inside of the rear rims to see if theres any gear oil there, if there is then you have a warn out seal somewhere.
Like 94SC50 said, did you add the friction modifier & gear oil, or just the gear oil?

You question is really speculative. I don't think we can help much until we know where the problem actually is.

Assuming you smell gear oil, you need to check out the pinion seal/diff. cover/fill plug/axle seals for leaking. If you smell it, it's leaking; No doubt about that.

Unless ALL of it has leaked out, then that is why you might not see the leak. I hope not though. The read end won't last long w/o any gear oil. Don't drive the car until you can check it out.
alright...jacked the car up today and checked it out....there is a leak from the rear of the differential...i think its the universal joint?...or rear seal i guess....and i pulled off the filler cap and there was metal shavings all over it...opened up the gear box and cant really see any missing teeth but there is definelty a lot of little pieces of metal floating around in the fluid....any ideas?