New Badges + Pics + Help removing adhesive!

I wouldn't be afraid of it. Nothing else is working, so what are you going to do? I don't mean go soak a rag in a bucket of it and wipe the whole car down. Just put a little on a cloth and wipe that spot. If it works, good, if it doesn't, then damn.

If your afraid to do it, use WD40 or some other weak thing that is not working.

Dang, I didn't mean to offend you! Maybe I'll try it out tomo. If all fails, I'll bring it to a local shop.
5) Once there's no glue left, give the area a nice wipedown of some carwash on a rag, then dry. Take a step back and look for shadows, or any evidence that the badge was there.

6) Any shadows or discoloration can be worked out with ScratchX and Polish. Work the scratchX all over the area, overlapping sections, until you can't see the shadow anymore, and the finish looks even. Work a small amount of a fine polish to smooth out the area and take away and swirl marks. Little wax on the area, let dry, and buff off, and you should be all set.

Ive seen these ''shadow'' marks before on cars that have had their emblems removed. I can't remember, but I think my car had these when I replaced my badges. If its just a mark in the clearcoat, I think scratch x should take care of it. Try it 10 more times....its really light stuff. Anther thing is maybe the fender was repainted and the body shop just worked around the emblem. Ive seen this before and the clearcoat left a raised up mark around the badge.

Edit- Already discussed but as a last resort I would try laquer thinner. It isnt bad on paints that have clear coats and should remove the mark if its on the surface of the paint. The emblems look good on the car...hope you can get the marks removed.
You didn't offend me one bit, it's all good. I know it might not sound right, but it could work. You don't have many choices left. If you do it, wipe it lightly and wipe it with soap and water when you're done. Be careful.

I know this source isn't credible, but here is one of some that i have found:

Edit: I've heard of using gas, kerosene, diesel, and lighter fluid too.
Makes my car look like a big vagina

i really like your car, then.

i debadged a truck i had, and had some outline, and also, some shadows. however, after using the 3m adhesive remover, the outline disappeared, but there was still some 'ghosting'. when i waxed it, it looked brand new again. but every time the wax faded, the ghosting came back.

i also had a black truck, so, the outline was less obvious. being white, that kinda sucks. sounds like you tried about everything.
Yea, I just went out in the 17 degree night air and tried the Scratch X one last time. It's hopeless. The passenger side and trunk all came off and the outlines were removed without a hitch. I'm going to blame the body shop here. Shouldn't they have removed the badge when they faded the panel?
Yes, body shop did paint around the emblem.

Hmm, then I dont know if that can be fixed or not without a body shop working on it. They could probably wetsand and blend the clearcoat. From the pictures the clear doesnt look like you could flake it off unlike the car I seen. It looks like they did a good job of painting around the emblem. I would try 3000grit wetsand and lightly go over the marks and then use a polish, like scratch x, after words.

Edit: If you don't feel comfortable trying the sandpaper by yourself, bring it to the shop where you had the work done and see what they would do to fix it.
You know what would look good now that I think about it? Having the GT with Supercharged under it. They are almost identical in length (comparing to the fuggin' outline of course.)

To do it right, they should have, unless they did it on a Friday afternoon.

yeah they should have, thats part of paying them for the job. I used to do graphics and designs for signs and cars. Go to a local sign shop they have stuff that might work and will hook you up just bring yourself an empty bottle. The stuff is mad to work on plastics, so it has no ill effects on paint. Depending on the kind they use if it is the paint it might actually still work, you'll just have to buff and wax afterwards.
I'm going to get some polish compound after work and try to work that in after work. Hopefully I can get this crap off...

I like that rear badge Bob. Think it'll look good? I was thinking white background with a chrome pony. ? Got any pics of yours?