New from Charleston, SC. Have a '91 GT 5.0 5 speed.

Thanks! I have a question (already). Just replaced my ECU because the original one died. Car runs fine except that it seems to be having a problem finding idle at start up when the engine is cold. Engine "hunts" for idle. Usually, if I cut it off & restart, it seems to idle & run fine. Also, the check engine light is staying on. I've tried unhooking the battery for 10 or 15 minutes or so and then restarting but the light still stays on. My local mechanic says that he can't flash or read the ECU with his tester. Advice?
Check out the technical/How to forums, there is a lot of stuff in there for updating, repairing and restoring our fox cars. Here is a link to the surging idle checklist, it's really quite famous, jrichker found the info on a discarded government computer he was parting out,
Start at the top and go step by step, it will show you how to check for codes and what to do about that blinking cel,
Start a thread in the fox forums, with pics of your ride, and I guarantee you'll get a 5 hp gain by just being a member!