OFFICIAL 2011 Fords at Carlisle

Lol at charlie's post...

Took mine out for a spin earlier and everything worked pretty well. It wants to stall here and there but I'll play with some stuff to hopefully minimize that.

The good news is I'm good to go for bringing it to the show. I have been kinda stressed recently trying to work out all the bugs with it, I didn't want to miss Carlisle as it's pretty much the highlight for me each year as far as car shows go.

It's good to see everyone will be there, and nobody will be driving corvettes just kidding Paul

Nice to have another sn95 guy joining, See you there in three days
I'm not going to bring the saleen kit with Rich. It's just too much of a hassle to bring it then store it somewhere. if we left it in the car, then we couldn't use the Buick.

I am however giving serious thought to bringing the Buick this year. What do you guys think? we could then fit 6 people comfortably. Less cars when we go out at night. thoughts?
Ryan not a big deal about the saleen kit. Im going to give my boy the pics from your post and he can decide. If he wants it, well we will have to figure something out. Maybe pick it up at the AM show later this year or whatever.
As of this post I am done with work for the week and am going to get a jump on detailing the car.
Steve until you have been to Carlisle it is hard to imagine the sheer size and scope of it. You will see more examples of every generation of ford in one place than you ever have in your life. Once you are there you will see why we always try to get more people to come out to it. I enjoy it and I am not even a show guy.
i think we are going to leave here around 9ish so we'll get there around 11ish. We'll be going right to the show.

nobody has said anything about bring the buick though. What do you guys think?
What Buick is this you are speaking of? I think that may be a good idea, but it definitely raises your fuel costs for the weekend.

I will likely be going straight to the show, depends what time we roll into town. I'm guessing I'll just want to get straight to the show by the time we get there.

I'm guessing I'll get there around 11:30
That would be cool, because my cobra seats 1 comfortably, and 2 possibly dragging the exhaust... lol

I think that would be pretty useful for the drive to get dinner, beer, etc. I'm not sure what everyone else is planning to do for transportation around Carlisle though, maybe they'll chime in?
Well Tom and I plan on leaving around 7am should be rolling in around noonish. Will hit the show to register and walk the swap meet thats about it. I dont plan on spending much time at the show fri. Call you guys when we hit town.

Have a safe trip guys