Opinions on Chin spoiler??

i think it looks good.im getting one for my laser red gt as soon as im done with my 1/4 panel.

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do it it looks great with red. new chin and smoked lights are my next mods

Im goin the same route, already got the lights, need to wait till payday to order the chin

I think it looks pretty nice, I would just get a Cobra bumper before I'd do anything to the stock one.

Im not a big fan of cobra bumpers on non cobra cars, not into the clone thing one bit, i prefer the look of the GT over cobra too, yes im a weirdo, i know

Thanks for the input guys, helped me make up my mind, im gonna go for it


Wouldn't that mean you're trying to "clone" a Mach 1? I think putting the body pieces on a GT, V6, whatever-other-model, is fine. However, plastering it with "COBRA" or "SALEEN" when it's not actually one is, well,