Please help on C4, Pan fill dipstick problem!


Apr 19, 2005
we were at the shop late last night putting the new C4 in my car, and we cant seem to figure out where the dipstick goes or how to even fill it! i dont knwo if we were just real tired or what, but can you please point me in teh right direction? thanks, we need to finish it tonight

If it is a case fill the hole is on the pass. side front directly behind the bellhousing. If the hole is not there then you need a dipstick for a pan fill C-4. Since it already has a pan with the threaded fitting its probably a pan fill.
The old C-4 confusion problem!
If you have a pan fill C-4, Congratulations! It is the HD version of the C-4. It has a stronger case design that has 5 seperate bolts that bolt the bell to the case, not using the front pump bolts like the case fill C-4s do. It has basically the same internals as the case fill but only has the larger bell and flywheel set up using the 11 5/16 bolt pattern convertor, same size as the AOD uses.
If you don't have the original dipstick and tube all is not lost. I think I saw a pan fill set up available from PA automatics and possibly Lokar, the street rod parts guys. The OEMs a long gone from Ford and were not as popular back in the day so junkyards may be a tough slog.
Good luck!
thanks guys it is a pan fill (threaded hole in the side of the pan) i need to get a lokar dipstick from lokar or something, looks like the car is down another week