Sorry... I called him a "troll" because he was totally Trolling. AND SHE not he.... All I am doing is looking for help to find it or put the jerks that did this where they need to be. That is all.

I kinda figured you were a girl when you said you were a sad pumpkin. I keep checking this thread hoping to see a positive resolution. I also keep an eye out for your car on NY, Philly, and Jersey craigslists. Don't give up hope. A friend of mine got his quad back 2 years after being stolen. With numerous upgrades at that. Best of luck.
Sorry... I called him a "troll" because he was totally Trolling. AND SHE not he.... All I am doing is looking for help to find it or put the jerks that did this where they need to be. That is all.

My apologies!

I get that all the time too. Everyone thinks I'm a dude until someone corrects them. LOL

... and yeah, I know. S&B = troll.

As soon as something changes, I will DEFINTIELY let EVERYONE know. I know there are some very nice people out there looking. Since I HATE having my time wasted, I wouldn't waste others time and energy looking for something that isn't missing anymore. That and if for instance it IS found and in good condition, I wouldn't want to be dragged out of it by my hair ya know. LOL!! That would actually be pretty funny: Car is found... the Chikin is happily driving to work and stops at a stop light... some big guy comes up, yanks her out of the car, duct tapes her, throws her in the trunk, and calls the cops... The Chikin gets locked up for driving her own car. XD The way my luck is... it will probably go down like that.

Thanks!! It could definitely be out of state by now.

Oh man... two years?!?! I am going to be absolutely INSANE by then! I did talk to the detective today... he said that there were 10 cars taken around the same time and ALL of them have been recovered but mine... What the Fridge??
They had to break a window to gain access to a fox? lol. Retards.

All it takes is a screwdriver, no marks, no mess. A couple of young punks, no doubt.

How do you know if was the quarter window they broke?
They had to break a window to gain access to a fox? lol. Retards.

All it takes is a screwdriver, no marks, no mess. A couple of young punks, no doubt.

How do you know if was the quarter window they broke?

Retards is right... all you need is a wire friggin HANGER!!! HULLO!! **shakes head**

The reason I know is because I ALWAYS had it parked backed in... and saw some of that UNMISTAKABLE black glass on the ground... EXACTLY where the back window would have been. I ALWAYS left the car in gear when I parked... so when they started it up, the car of course jumped and impressions were left where the back tire sat so that even FURTHER confirmed where it was! The glass was right next to those impressions and I didn't have the windows tinted that dark. So yeah... I put two and two together. Crap... I did a better job at figuring out what happened and investigating than the cops that showed up. **shakes head**

I really hope these idiots are stupid enough to still be driving it around. GAWD I PRAY!!!
maybe if you posted here before your pumpkin was stolen someone would cut you some breaks, we all feel bad for boo woo you should have real insurance, everyone has to learn life's lessons the hard way.
maybe if you posted here before your pumpkin was stolen someone would cut you some breaks, we all feel bad for boo woo you should have real insurance, everyone has to learn life's lessons the hard way.

I didn't even KNOW about the site and was directed here by a friend. I had hoped I would run across some genuinely nice folks that would be willing to help someone that really needed it. I know that if someone would ask me for help; I would do everything I could for them... because that is the way I am. As a matter of fact, I go out my way to help others without being asked. Guess I am one of the last people on the planet that does this and am a TOTAL sucker for doing it.

Yeah well, you don't feel bad for me... not in the least... so don't pretend you do. Yeah, I SHOULD have had insurance but I couldn't really afford anything extra and had to cut some corners. I hope one day you will be in a situation where you have to do the same so you can fully understand where I am at. AND Trust me... I have had my fair share of "life's hard lessons". It doesn't give anyone the right to steal my car or harrass me for NOT being able to afford insurance that wouldn't do me any flippin' good anyway.

Thanks for all of your help, thanks for the nice warm welcome and thanks for all of your wonderful contributions to this thread! **bleep**!!