well the guy locked himself in his basement of his moms house lmao. needless to say. his mom probaly beat his ass before the cops arested him becasue he was bleeding when he was carried out lol.
I will swing by there again this Friday and hand out some more flyers and talk to the Mustang guys down there... maybe show a little cleavage... batt my eyelashes... wear my skinny jeans... it might get me some help... Hopefully.

Wow, now i kinda want to drive out to wherever you are and stake out the place for you.

Damn women and the power they have over men.
you said you drove around looking after it was stolen but then you were looking for a orange car, you know it could be black now. or maybe some other color with a chitty paint job. keep a cell phone with you in case you do find it.

At the time... I was looking at pretty much ANY notch I found because I know it only takes about a day to change the color of a car. You know it... I never leave home without it!

Well, I just got “the call” I have been waiting for… they found my car. They said it’s pretty messed up… I just don’t know HOW messed up. The tow yard said the engine was removed and it was placed in "the back" and the transmission was left in place. Which doesn't make a lot of sense because why would they go through all the trouble of pulling the engine? I am going to go check it out today. BSO found it on the 4600 block of S.W. 42 Avenue, Dania… which is REMARKABLY… right down the street from the place that was selling my rims and tires… coincidence? I think not!

Well, I wanted to thank you all for keeping an eye out, spreading the word, and helping out however you could… I really appreciate it. All that’s left, is to see if it is salvageable… we shall see! I am not expecting very much but, ya never know!


I'd guess foul play from that shop, youve gotta watch out, som shady people that own buisnesses out there.

Dont let up on this, keep bugging the cops and try and get to the bottom of it. I wouldnt stop until charges were pressed on the guilty party. Which looks to me like its the shop that sold your rims/tires
Yeh im with 90lxcoupe, stay on the cops and see if you cant get the scumbag that did this.
Get your car back together, put some kind of starter kill switch on it and enjoy.
BTW, was it painted rattle can black like you thought?
Wow, this thread's been kickingf around and they finally found the car.

Curious to see what it looks like now. Take pics and let us know. Is it painted black? Can you get it running again?

I agree... dude it's rediculous how many crooks are down here. It's because they can ALL get away with it! **shakes head**

I have come this far... I am NOT giving up. Luckily, the police recovered quite a few finger prints so that may pan out!! e shall see but, I got a MOUNTAIN ahead of me because there isn't much left but the body. The interior is stripped (only the two front seats remain), the engine is gone, the rear axle is removed, the gas tank is missing, the exhaust of course, and I don't know how to put it back together.

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We could probably start a thread if anyone wanted to donate parts to get the car back together, from what insurance doesn't cover? You're a bit far for me to lend a hand, but I bet we have some members nearby that would possibly help out. :SNSign: