Political boo-boo...

Lets take it context... as long as your saying it to a right wing rag, its completely acceptible.
"We have to turn back some of the creeping, un-Pennsylvanian and sometimes un-American traits that are coming into some of our politics," she said. Morning television shows broadcast the remarks on Monday morning.

When a reporter from a conservative Pennsylvania newspaper, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, pressed Mrs. Heinz Kerry what she had meant by "un-American" she said repeatedly, "No, I didn't say that, I didn't say that."

She then turned away only to return moments later. "You said something I didn't say, now shove it," she said, pointing her finger at the reporter.

Asked about Mrs. Heinz Kerry's comments, the Kerry campaign said in a statement: "It was a moment of extreme frustration aimed at a right wing rag that has consistently and almost purposefully misrepresented the facts when reporting on Mrs. Heinz Kerry."

All I can say... this election year sucks. Its the first one I'm old enough to vote in, and I am not liking either Candidate that much. I don't agree with Bush and his Policies... I don't think Kerry keeps his policies for more then a week, so I can't really agree more then one week in advance....
I think we should all vote Nader, all of America, mix things up a little.
Banditlead said:
Lets take it context... as long as your saying it to a right wing rag, its completely acceptible.

And that, my friends is the "voice of diversity and tolerance" Mind you, folks, I'm a fairly staunch conservative. But I have problems with the extremely radical idealists on both sides of the issue.

It just seems to me (and it sucks) that the Libs/Dems have a greater majority of those self-same screaming radicals (and that sucks) than the Pubs.

What really sucks is that I see the screamers on both sides carrying around the attitude of "Anything is okay as long as I get my way. Certain behavior is okay if I and my buds are carrying out that behavior; but that behavior is totally unacceptable and almost criminal if you guys are doing it!"

This is a particularly obvious case in point! Cheney ended a heated argument with an opponent by telling 'the other guy' to "F*** off"; and it's grounds for an attempt to railroad him out of town. Teresa Heinz-Kerry tells a reporter she didn't say what we all have heard her say in the film clips, then tells him to "Shove it"; and it's "completely acceptable" because the reporter is from a "right-wing rag". What happened to "diversity and tolerance"???

Still Dreamin'
I guess everyone missed the Sarcasm in that....
I kinda thought the whole ending paragraph saying lets vote Nader would give me away.

I was sarcastic, about the Right Wing Rag being acceptible, and the voting for Nader.
So, I am sorry for insulting, or upsetting anyone.
DarkBuddha said:
My one comment: Look at the evidence and ignore the pulp and rhetoric. Simple: If you liked and want 4 more years of what we've had with Bush, vote for him. Otherwise, vote for someone else. You decide.

Sign me up with someone else.

Unfortunatly I guess that means Kerry. Now don't get me wrong I'm on the tree hugger side of the fence, but I'd like it if we had another choice. The guy just seems kinda wishy washy and like he is afraid to stand up for what he really belives. I guess you have to be that way to get elected now with the so called liberal media anylizing every thing you say, and telling everyone what they should think about you.

Bandit, I didn't miss the sarcasm - and not even slightly insulted. The bad news is that what you (maybe unwittingly?) wrote as sarcasm was in fact almost stated verbatim by a Democrat policy wonk! He wasn't sarcastic. That is the point to which I was responding; the jerk was serious, not sarcastic!

Still Dreamin'
No, I knew I was quoting it. I thought you were insulted by me saying it, and in turn angry at me for that.
Gotta love the battle for the white house.
I don't know why the democratic party felt the need to say that, its not really gonna change anyones minds about anything.
now dont get me wrong and tag me pro-bush, because there are lots of things that he has done that I dont agree with but this post made me think of a couple of things
1) Americans 3-4 months after 9/11 were screaming for justice. Nobody in the general media argued the need for a response because it was the popular thought at the time. Americans now are screaming at bush because they didnt get the result they wanted (or maybe they got the results, but the way they were accomplished were not what they wanted), or because it is what the liberal media is telling them to do (aka its popular). This really seems like a kid going something stupid "because everybody else is doing it"
2) Americans are as disrespectful as children. I do NOT agree with Bush and I will not be voting for him but I do respect him as HE IS OUR PRESIDENT. IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOU VOTED FOR HIM OR NOT, BECAUSE HE IS OUR PRESIDENT. I didnt vote to pay taxes or have required insurance on a car I drive 2 days out of the week, but I dont cheat on my taxes or try to screw my insurance company. I respect the rules that have been appointed without complaining about it.
3) If you see anybody with a impeach bush sign, simply slap them for being ignorant. If they didnt penalize ex-president clinton for lying under oath, what makes you think that because YOU dont like bush's policy they would do anything to him? Remember, the information that we "know" is given to us by the media. Think that the media is a good place to get information about current event? Try reading german literature from the WW2 era.

Sorry about the rant, but quite frankly between bush and kerry I might move to canada or mexico.
I live in CT, Very close to New York City. I visit New York City, all the time. After Sept 11, I was there. I went to a school, where children lost Parents. I remember hearing the news, from our secretary, whos Brother was in there when it collapsed, and how she started to sob when the second building went down. I too, am all for justice. And Iraq, is not justice for Sept. 11th. And Afghanistan, is not truly justice either. The Taliban, Al-Qaida, and Osama are the ones responsible. I will not spit on the soldiers in IRaq, and I give them my blessings just as readily, but I DO NOT agree with being there.
I am tired of hearing about Iraq being Revenge for Sept 11th. So, thats all I am going to say.
One of my best friends is over there fighting right now, and everytime that I speak with him, he says that the media is fairly one-sided on how they report what goes on over there. It is evident to him that they are doing good and are helping the people over there. He compared it to trying to do good in downtown LA. The majority of people appreciate what you are doing, but there are people who dont want to be help. If the media was reported the same way that small percentage would be the only people talked about, the 5% of the ungrateful, not the 95% that love the american soldiers for helping/protecting them.

As far as justice goes, it depends on your definition. If you mean getting even, no. There is no way to make anything that happened even or right. No matter what. If you define justice as the upholding of what is just, especially fair treatment and due reward in accordance with honor, standards, or law then I would say that it is a step in the right direction...
Heres my deal. First, I am a republican haha. But, I would be ok with Kerry except for one thing. Abortion. I strongly contend its wrong, so that wipes out Kerry and the Dems. Im fine with Bush. I think he has done just a good a job as any could have done. What Bush did imo equates with the atom bomb being dropped in Japan. Sometimes you have to suck it up and just do it and know there will be consequences. If the Clinton administration would have taken care of things Bush wouldnt have been faced with them.

One thing I do hate about all Politics. Promises are made on healthcare and war and blah blah blah tax cuts, tax increases, army increases. If you tihnk about it, its all pointless. One person, the President, cannot control any of those, he can only simply make suggestions to congress. Congress is really in control of taxes and war, etc, not the president. It just annoys me to see candidates saying they'll fix things that arent in their control, its in congresses control.

.......and who gets the politicians to Congress......big business, that's who. Money talks and B.S., well you know!
I'm sorry, but I don't equate invading a country like Iraq as anything remotely similar to the atom bomb. Two completly different circumstances.

I voted for Bush, but I am so disallusioned with what has happened in the last four years, I think I may have to vote against him this time.

We invaded a country and put our young men in harms way with bad and sloppy intel and a lack of due diligence. We invaded the country with no international support, even though we are begging for it now. We invaded a country with no exit strategy. We invaded a country without finishing the job in the last country we invaded(which was extremely justifiable). We invaded a country thinking they would greet us with open arms and convert to an american style democracy, in spite of 1000 year history suggesting that this would never happen. We continued militarily on a 50 year course of failed diplomacy in the middle east, which includes dumping democracy in Iran for the Shah, supporting Saddam against Iran, supporting Bin Laden against Russia, supporting Israel in their resistence to a Palestinian state, and supporting the Saudi royals rather than democracy in that country.

Enough of the crap. Get our boys home safely.

And let's not even get started on the tax cut and how it benefited the wealthiest 5% of this country.

I think 20 years from now this predidency may rank as one of the worst in this great country's history. And I voted for it.
I voted for Bush and his dad, and I'll vote for him this time too. When I look at the world my children are growing up in I have to vote morals first and let God take care of the military, healthcare, and economy. If you vote democrat, you might as well be a doorman at an abortion clinic or a flower girl at a gay wedding. Your vote directly reveals your values and priorities.

*stepping off soapbox*
I can acutally see an upside to gay marriage, as long as we skew it towards male couples. Think about it guys. If you have 100 guys and 100 girls, and 20 guys "marry" each other, that leaves 100 girls for 80 guys. Good times.

so if Britain and Russia came to you and said they had such and such intel, and your intel matched what would you do? If Roush and Shelby said theres a stang for sale 50 miles away for $5000 that does 11 second 1/4 miles, would you not drive to buy it? Point is, Bush did the best job he could with intel.

second. if you give the most you get the most. what is so hard to understand about that.

Take a best buy coupon for 10% off and buy something.
If you spend $1000 you get $100 back.
If you spend $100 you get $10 back.

Its called giving back equally and cutting it across the board. Its called equality.