Question about a PA ticket ... (not about a my Mustang though)


20+ Year Stangneter :roc</strong><span class=
May 4, 2004
Salisbury Twp, Allentown, PA
Cliff notes at the end!

My buddy has an '02 YELLOW Lancer OZ with an intake, exhaust, chrome 17s, and tinted windows - IT DRAWS ATTENTION TO ITSELF!
He got pulled over tonight for tinted windows but the cop said he can waive the ticket if my buddy comes to the station and shows the tint is removed. Obviously his plans are to remove the tint, show the cop, and then replace the tint.
BUT - on the bottom of the ticket, in a section titled "Additional Comments," it says "Modified Exhaust." Now, could he get ticketed for the exahust if he shows up with the just the tint fixed? I know the exhaust wasn't part of the ticket, but if it's noted, could the officer ticket him if the exhaust isn't OEM?
I know there were court battles concerning aftermarket exhaust in PA over the past few years but the exhaust WAS 50 state legal when purchased, does that come into play?

Cliff notes: Why is "modified exhaust" noted in a ticket written for ONLY tinted windows?
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That's tough but if the exhaust is 50 state legal and does not exceed DB levels then he should be fine unless there is a strict law in PA stating that exhausts cannot be modified from stock.
I don't think there is currently a law in the books; he could have written it because my buddy drives around without the silencer and that makes a huge difference concerning overall volume of the exhaust. Either way, he's putting the silencer in when he goes to show the tint has been removed so we'll find out.
i live in pa and have always had tint and cops wont bother ya if you have 40% or higher, as for the exhaust he prolly put that either in case your friend decided to be a dick to him or to make sure he showed up with the right car. He probably put it there as a note to make sure it was the correct car he was showing him, that has been done to me.
I'm pretty sure his tint is 5%. I'll pass the info about the exhaust onto him though, thanks. For now he sent in his fine but he's fighting it.

actually you should really look into that a little more...ive been pulled over a few times for that kinda stuff and ive been told by an officer that in out area tint on the side windows is legal as long as its no darker than the factory rear tint...that being 15%... and im not far from you at all maybe 15 minutes
actually you should really look into that a little more...ive been pulled over a few times for that kinda stuff and ive been told by an officer that in out area tint on the side windows is legal as long as its no darker than the factory rear tint...that being 15%... and im not far from you at all maybe 15 minutes

I've heard that is the case for trucks, SUVs etc. but that on cars the law is different. Nonetheless, his car did not come with factory tint on any window so I don't know if that would apply. He hasn't heard anything back from since from when he appealed the ticket.