radar detectors??? who useing emmmm?

which brand is everyone useing? do they work good? looking at cobra myself anyone every got a ticket with one? how much did you pay for it? sorry for all the questions i just need something to protect my self against all the bike snipers hidding in the bushes.

I have an old Cobra Trapshooter 3 that came with my current GT. It's hard wired into the fuse box, and it works good, it's picked up many a statey on the way to school at 90mph. I want one of the new Cobra 10 band detectors myself, just because my TS3 is out dated.
I recently bought the Cobra ESD9110 10-band radar detector. I am pleased with my purchase. Tells you the threat level and after 3 or 4 beeps it quits down and then no more beeps but still displays the threat level. This cuts down on the false alerts and is very nice instead of having the thing constantly going off and getting annoying. I have never seen/heard of any of my friends get a ticket because of the detector. Some states it is illegal to have one though so you might want to check that out. I paid $100 for mine with a $10 mail in rebate. I think you will be happy with it.

I've used a Cobra 9 band and it worked well...saved me quite a few tickets. However, any detector can only detect if the radar is on...if they're hding and use the "instant on" feature, you're still screwed. I currently have a Phazer II from Rocky Mountain Radar, which is a detector and a jammer in one, but it's not illegal in Missouri...I think it is in California and some other states. Personally, mext one will be a Valentine One simply because i've heard they're the best. I asked this question about 5 months ago after I had already bought my Phazer...Valentine one came up as best more than any other. Nothing is fool-proof, but something is better than nothing. There's word that there's gonna be a new radar out this spring which will render our detectors useless, but I think that's bull. Valentine One's are expensive and used ones are nearly as much as new ones...they hold their value well. Hope this helps.
I just read this really funny book Speeders guide to avoiding tickets (i belive that was the title) and in there they said that this cop guy was talkin to his buddies and they all were saying that every car they pulled over for speeding that had a detector they gave a ticket... so the advice the guy gave was yes, the're a good thing to have but get one that's hidden (or almost) and not one of those that just sticks to the windsheild, and make it as unnoticable as possible to increase your chances to get off with a warning god forbid should you get pulled over

Just my $.02
huskerpower02 said - 'Thats just an invitation saying "someone please break into my car!" '

Uh, anyone dim enough to leave their car parked anywhere with their radar detector in plain view shouldn't be surprised to find broken glass and missing detectors (among other things missing) when they return. I believe the reason they made them so small and so easily removable is so reasonably intelligent owners could remove them thus eliminating the temptation.

As for cost of the Valentine - well, there's a reason they're expensive, and that they hold their value well. They work SO much better than anything else. I've only been stopped once with that detector, and it was my fault. There were 2 cops right in a row, and I simply didn't believe the warning it was giving me. Lowest first cost rarely equates to best value - it only takes one ticket and the cost of the fine, hassle of court, possible insurance increases (or cancellations depending on your record) will FAR exceed the incremental cost of the better detector. And by the way - that removable feature - it also works if you get pulled over. Rule number one with a detector is the instant you see the lights come on (and you usually already know you've been had), you remove the detector and put it under the seat or in the glove box. Contrary to popular myth, the officer isn't looking to see if you've got a detector plastered to the windshield when you come by -- they're noting car make, model, color and license tag origin.

On average, I think the less expensive detectors probably cause their owners to get more tickets, not less, because of the false sense of security they create.

The irony is as I've gotten older, I don't use one any longer. Seems I'm more than content most of the time to simply keep it within 5mph or so of the limit, or to just move along with the rest of traffic. But for you young whippersnappers out there, if you're gonna use one - save a few extra bucks and get the Valentine. Relatively speaking, the others are a waste of your money.
Haven't tried the Valentine yet- may give that one a shot next. I have had everything else though, and been given tickets with Escort, Uniden, Cobra, Whistler and Belltronics. between '98-'99 I paid out over $1000 in speeding tickets. Ran my K-40 for two years without a single bust. Right now I have the Rocky Mountain detector/jammer, and it's awesome. It's too big, and looks like it's worth half what it cost- but I've had that one almost two years too and haven't had any trouble. It just scrambles everything out there- pretty funny. I've found my best defense against tickets is not get pulled over... ie: stomp it and bang the next exit... worked perfect for the last couple years but I obviously don't recommend it to anyone. The moral is, if you are going more than 15mph over the speed limit, all bets are off. That doesn't mean it won't work at that speed, only that you're pushing your luck. You'll notice that every one who will pay your ticket has fine print that says "only for offenses less than 15mph over the speed limit." I haven't gotten any tickets since my car was set up to outrun them- but it's easier to just drive a little slower, wait till someone with a more obnoxious car than yours goes flying by you and follow several car lengths behind them and hope they get hit first

"The easiest and most effective way to slow down traffic is to go on patrol in a marked car, not sit in the bushes waiting for the unsuspecting."
-MM&FF, 4/03
If you want quality and reliability, I have had the same Escort Passport for 19 years. I've had it since I bought my first Mustang (84 GT w/T-Tops) in 1985. I live in the kind of place where I don't ever have to remove it from my windshield, through 100 degree plus summers and zero degree winters. The volume control wheel doesn't work anymore, I suppose I could send it in but it is at the volume I always keep it at and it has a mute switch if I want to use it. Everything else works as well as when I bought it (for $300 that long ago! You DO get what you pay for!).
NOTHING, I repeat NOTHING detects instant-on radar. Around here that is only used on the interstates, it is no good in heavy traffic. You can't detect it because there is no signal to detect until he presses the button! Then you are nailed-your meter pegs out and you might as well pull over and stash the detector and hope that puts him in a good mood. I set my cruise on 74 on the highway and save the playing for close encounters when no radar is on.
I bought a K40 4 years ago right before driving from FL to CA. Main reason was, they had a guarantee that if you got ant tickets in the first year of ownership they would pay for them. Well I got a ticket in Texas and a ticket in CA. It did however get me out of several tickets completely by going off.

Cost of Radar Detector= $300
Cost of two tickets= $300
Cost of tickets avoided= $$$

So it payed for itself easy . I still got the points on my record of course, but I had my money!

Also, most cops WILL NOT let you go or just give you a warning if you have a radar detector because they think you are a habitual speeder. It also shows a lack of respect to law enforcement. Of course, the cop probably has a R/D in his car at home but that's okay.....

Even if they do come out w/ that its not like there just going to give them to the Police department, there still going to have to buy them and Im sure they come w/ a heafty Price tag.
Escort set the standard before Valentine. Two things occurred - Cincinatti Microwave was acquired, and Mike Valentine left Cincinatti Microwave to form - you guessed it - Valentine detectors.

87Ttop - glad you've liked yours, however, technology on the new detectors is FAR better than your dinosaur Escort. It was tops at the time - it's antiquated now.

As for instant on - you're right, nothing can detect a microwave signal that's not there. However, where the newer detectors shine much more than the older ones are picking up faint and reflected signals from when the instant on cop pulls the trigger on cars that are preceding you down the road. So you can get warning - if there's other traffic around; you just have to trust the detector. After dark, with little traffic nothing protects you completely. Best just to slow down. The worst case is at night when a cop approaches from behind moving with you and he has instant on. If you don't see him coming, he's gotcha. Laser can be difficult as well, but the new detectors, especially Valentine, can give you enough warning.
SuperchargedB87 said:
Do the jammers actually work? If you go by one of the radars on the side of the road that tell you your speed does it come up zero or something? I was always curious of this.

They did a test on a jammer that actually works in one of the Ford magazines awhile back. It didn't come up as zero. But, it did require you to get much close to the cop before he could get a reading and it was not accurate. I think the car got trapped speeding at 1000 feet without the jammer. With the jammer they didn't get a reading until the car was within 100 feet or something of that nature. Don't quote me on the distances it's been some time since I read that article.
Been using the Lidatech Echo Laser jammer for many years along with Unidens GPSRD. No tickets in 18yrs.

Lidatech is 1 of only 2 jammers that actually work. been tested time & time again by C&D and other mags. completely blanks out the mighty hunter laser gun and it's brother.

seems most people use these things for the wrong reason. there to make you look at your spedo and correct speed as needed when they go off, not for speeding. use them they way there suppose to be used and you won't get a ticket.

drive responsibly. there's no getting away fron VASCAR (time vs distance) or pacing. Most cops in this city can accuratly judge a vehicles speed within 2-3 mph just from watching it go by which is why VERY few here don't need a radar gun even tho they have one in their car. (they don't mess with being tested in order to use it). Most cops can't afford the 5k+ for a good radar or laser gun & some require 2 officers to use em accuratly.

just some friendly advice
Just don't get caught with one in Virginia or Florida. They can take your car, though they usually don't, because you generate revenue for the departments. Yes the newer radar guns are expensive, but a few tickets will pay for it. With Laser the only way a detector can pick it up is if he "shoots" someone else. Laser is not a constant emitting unit, but rather a point and shoot. Any radar I have seen cannot read same direction traffic, ie the cop is following you. He's pacing you. Remember cop cars have calibrated speedometers, so if they set a certain distance behind you and just follow you you're screwed. Laser can be used in same direction traffic. Also most states have a certain mph that they allow your speedometer to be "off". In Michigan it is 3mph, but North Carolina has a basic speed limit law, meaning that technically they can pull you for 1mph over.

Things to remember, be curtious (no matter how pissed you are), don't get out and approach the cop as he/she may shoot you. They are running your tag not only to get your info, but to see if the car is stolen, or registered to a known criminal, as we call it a "wants and warrants check". Leave your seatbelt on, even if your getting your wallet out. Just wait until the officer asks you for your DL, Reg, and Proof of Ins. If you're not wearing your seatbelt don't try to put it on, as we have probably already noticed, unless you have really dark windows. Don't make excuses, as we have heard most all of them. If you have a real reason, explain it calmly, don't cuss and don't get excited we will listen when we are ready. If you or your pasenger has a medical emergency then tell the officer. And most of all don't mess with us K-9 guys, as most would really rather like to release our dog than shoot anyone.

Oh yeah if a cop is behind you, and you aren't speeding, DON"T SLOW DOWN!! It kind of erks us. We may be on our way to the DONUT SHOP (I had to get it in before you guys start in on it)

Or the best way to avoid one is DON"T SPEED!! Later.

Mo' Town

Just to make sure you know what i'm referring to. the Lidatek echo laser is a laser jammer and can be mounted in both the front and rear of the car. works on 904 nanometers +/- 1, like I said. its 1 of only 2 that will completely blank out any laser gun. do a reasearch on it and you'll see. I'm in calif where it's legal to use providing it's hooked to keyed ignition which is the only way it's legal.

I'm very aware of the states that it's not legal in.
youre correct on a persons attitude, it's amazing how many people blow it by acting like fools with lame excuses as to why they were speeding.

seems people forget these things were made to help one keep any eye on their speed and slow down if exceeding the speed limit. others thinks it's a device enabling them to speed safely......spare me. those passive radar jammers are a joke!! (IE: rocky mountain's, mirage 2001) etc etc) i've tested them using a hand held radar gun myself for our street where people speed down it almost every day.. & active jammers ARE illegal everywhere. these are the only 2 to pass all the stringent requirements..

best bet. drive the speed limit and don't give an officer ANY reason to pull you over.


Take care,