Ricers, something has to be done!

Boss 351

Here sthhhhhhhheeeve take a picthh of my man flowe
Jul 13, 2003
Last night was too much. In fact I got out of bed, got dressed and grabbed a shotgun. But I put it back (yeah right like I will start shooting people on the streets) and picked up a large hunting knife (more like it) and went looking for the stupid ricers that were doing burn shows (or something, whatever it's called when a weak POS FWD spins the wheels). This was at midnight. All I heard for a good 30 minutes was Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaap eeeetch Faaaarrrrt.

Something about them that gets under my skin to the point of when I see in the news that a ricer dies in an accident and seeing their car all messed up I scream out a huge "YES SIR, GOOD NOW IF THE OTHERS CAN DIE TOO".

It's getting out of hand. I don't care about the ugly ass clown cars. What pisses me off is the total lack of respect they have for anything and anyone. Just about anyone I talk to about ricers agrees with me; from the hot chicks at the bar to police officers. Why are there still farting ricers around then? Because of these morons, real car nuts won't be able to do anything anymore.

We have to do something, I'm not saying to go out and run them off the road even if that does sound so sweet. I'm thinking about having a bunch of people call in the cops to make complaints at ricers all the time complete with plate numbers (of course when the ricer does something stupid - such as breathing).

Seriously though, thinking about last night. Do they really think it's cool to drop the clutch at 6000rpm only to spin the wheels for 15 seconds at a time? God if my Mustang would do that I'd wonder what the hell went wrong and start over.
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Boss 351 said:
I'm thinking about having a bunch of people call in the cops to make complaints at ricers all the time complete with plate numbers (of course when the ricer does something stupid - such as breathing).

We (family) called twice last week. You see, I live just beside an arena so there's a big enough parking there. All day, but mostly night, these assh*** rev their engines, do fast "laps" around the arena, burnouts in "gravelle" cause they're too weak to do real burnouts. The thing is there is only 2 speedbumps and they're behind the arena. But they have 2 long sides to play their little games with no speedbumps... :mad: We called the cops and told them what was happening and that there are little kids in bicycles all the time there and that they're gonna get run over soon. "What do you want us to do to stop them?" was their response... Ehhhh Stop fu***** the dog and eating donuts and pulling over innocent drivers and start being helpful for once you mofos... I wish I'd said. We contacted the person responsable for our neighbourhood and told him about this, and that there should be speedbumps ALL AROUND the arena. That would stop their fun by 80%. If not, I'll have to take care of this myself. I will put some kind of NAIL BELT on one whole side.
I found something real cool the other day at a client. They bead blast some metal sheets. There very small metal beads, I want to take a ton of that stuff and dump it on ricer hangouts or park my car next to a ricer "hanging out" and dump the stuff all over the ground under his door. That stuff makes the ground slippier than chicken chit on ice :D I'd laugh watching all the ricers fall on their butts when getting out of their cars haha!