Save Ford SVT (Special Vehicle Team)


Founding Member
Aug 28, 2000
Richmond, Va. U.S.A.
There is a VERY strong rumor going around that Ford SVT (Special Vehicle Team) may be disbanded in the future. Please go to the link listed below and sign the Petition. I can guarantee that the people at the very top of Ford Motor Company will know about and see this Petition.

Please support SVT! And pass this information on to other Ford Enthusiast!
I'd say its a rumor, but usually the boards get some inside info on what is going on with the new Cobra in development. Supposedly it will be an 2006 model which means it is about a year from release. Yet we have seen no spyshots, no test mules, nothing but rumors about what engine it will even have? Maybe this rumor has something to it?
According to the SVT site the Cobra will be released as a 07 model year. I have read on numerous sites that that 07 model year will be released early and we should see them in the late spring/early summer 06. People think that because the lighting was postponed that SVT is gone. It has to do with Corp Gas mileage averages, SVT's budget getting drained after the GT and the Shelby concepts etc. Don't forget the L came back after 4 years off in the 90's. I’m not surprised to see it go again.