Stall Converter.

Stanger007 said:
Hard to say w/out specs on the cam - a large cam is different depending on who you ask. I've got a 2800 stall in my CompCams 280H on a C4 and love it.

Having the 2800 stall, did it soften your shift kit up much? I heard that higher stalls will take some of the wonderful shift kit jar away.
as stanger007 said it depends on what your cam specs are, but it also depends on you intended usage and what compromises you are willing to make. example, if you are doing the street/strip thing 2800 works great. if you are doing the strip only thing then you might want to bump that stall speed up up to about 3500 rpm. if ont he other hand you plan on doing some road racing where you need some engine braking you want a much lower stall speed, more like 1800 rpm.