Steering wheel logo deteriorating?

Yeah I'm pretty sure that's the only way to replace it. Sucks but I've since given up worrying about the spotting.

i decided it was not worth the concern as well. stuff happens. it sucks when it is on such an expensive part though. :( i can live with it until the car becomes a show car or the bags deploy and it gets replaced anyway.
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At my old dealership, tech's were hestitant to replace the logo by removing the small metal tabs that hold it in place due to the airbag material so close to where the metal prongs are bent into place. That's usually why they just replaced the whole airbag assembly-liability if a careless tool puts a small nick in the airbag material. The old Saleen logo was junk! An adhesive was placed on the S logo and would start to lift and pell off in just a few months. Saleen cost Ford a lot of money because the regluing just didn't work, and the owners in turn got new airbags. Saleen refused to pay for the $6-800.00 in parts and labor. I've never seen the deterioration of the pony logo you guys are talking about but I don't doubt it. My advice is if you o decide to replace the logo yourself, be very very careful when prying off the pony logo, or just have a reputable dealer do it.