teen driving survey for school...please do this for me


New Member
Jul 16, 2005
be honest please, i need this for research

please message this back to me

and if you are older than 18...go back to when you were 16 and 17

when you are driving do you ever...

1.) speed?

2.) talk on your phone?

3.) text message?

4.) speed up on yellow light?

5.) put on make-up (probably no one in here)?

6.) have more than 1 friend in the car (not a parent/guardian)?

7.) listen to loud music?

8.) eat?

9.) drink alcohol?

10.) on any other drugs?
1.) Occasionally

2.) Weren't a big thing when I was 16-17 and not a lot of people had them, so no.

3.) Text What? See answer #2

4.) Regularly

5.) Pleading the 5th...even if I am a Canadian

6.) Sure...but it was allowed back then.

7.) Every chance I got....Motle Crue, AC/DC, Poison....if they were loud and had long hair, I was into it.

8.) Yup....my old Truck probably still has the French fries lodged in the consol to prove it.

9.) Nope....never. Was deathly afraid of the consequences

10.) See answer #9

when you are driving do you ever...

1.) speed? hells yeah

2.) talk on your phone? yep

3.) text message? to hard to

4.) speed up on yellow light? always

5.) put on make-up (probably no one in here)? I masturbate if that matters

6.) have more than 1 friend in the car (not a parent/guardian)yeah

7.) listen to loud music? yep

8.) eat? yep

9.) drink alcohol? no

10.) on any other drugs? nope
when you are driving do you ever...

1.) speed? 5-10 over maybe, but nothing crazy, save it for the track

2.) talk on your phone? rarely

3.) text message? rarely

4.) speed up on yellow light? yea

5.) put on make-up (probably no one in here)? uh wtf no

6.) have more than 1 friend in the car (not a parent/guardian)? not usually, keeps my seats newer

7.) listen to loud music? always, motograter \m/

8.) eat? only in traffic

9.) drink alcohol? hell no

10.) on any other drugs? hell no

I'm 17 if that matters
Im 26 so this is going back a bit

when you are driving do you ever...

1.) speed? usually a few over (I had a 2.3 Ranger and it was slow)

2.) talk on your phone? didnt have one then

3.) text message? still dont do that

4.) speed up on yellow light? of course

5.) put on make-up (probably no one in here)? dont wear any

6.) have more than 1 friend in the car (not a parent/guardian)? only had a regular cab truck so no

7.) listen to loud music? yes

8.) eat? yes

9.) drink alcohol? not then

10.) on any other drugs? didnt do any then
I'm going back years on this one.

when you are driving do you ever...

1.) speed? Only until I saw a cop.

2.) talk on your phone? Didn't have a phone when I was a teen, but I'd check my pager and pull out change for the pay phone while driving, does that count?

3.) text message? See question #2

4.) speed up on yellow light? Isn't that what a yellow light means?

5.) put on make-up (probably no one in here)? No, but my girlfriend wipe the lipstick she left on my **** once while in the car.

6.) have more than 1 friend in the car (not a parent/guardian)? Yes

7.) listen to loud music? Yes

8.) eat? Yes

9.) drink alcohol? Yes.

10.) on any other drugs? Yes
When I was 16? Wow ... that was half a lifetime ago for me. God, I feel old...

Sooooo ... when I was 16:

1.) speed? NO.

2.) talk on your phone? NO. (I still hate people that do.)

3.) text message? NO. (No such thing back in 1994.)

4.) speed up on yellow light? NO. (I do sometimes now, though, but only if I know that slamming on the brakes will make the idiot on his/her cell phone behind me run right up my tailpipe.)

5.) put on make-up (probably no one in here)? NO. (I never was quite *THAT* goth... )

6.) have more than 1 friend in the car (not a parent/guardian)? NO. (Not many friends. )

7.) listen to loud music? YES.

8.) eat? NO.

9.) drink alcohol? NO. (I was a good lil' 16-year-old straight-laced, boring loser kid.)

10.) on any other drugs? NO. (Unless you count caffeine as a drug...?)
when you are driving do you ever...

when i was 16/17 i didnt have my lisense but i drove.....

1.) speed? about 10 over where the cops didnt sit.

2.) talk on your phone? didnt have one.

3.) text message? see #2.

4.) speed up on yellow light? not usually.

5.) put on make-up (probably no one in here)? ..........

6.) have more than 1 friend in the car (not a parent/guardian)? 2 drunks friends sometimes.

7.) listen to loud music? no.

8.) eat? yea.

9.) drink alcohol? no.

10.) on any other drugs? pot.
1.) speed? I like to refer to it as I cruise. Highways usually 60-65

2.) talk on your phone? Only if I have to.

3.) text message? Maybe like once or twice when the girl I liked was in front of me

4.) speed up on yellow light? With 5.0 brakes most of the time its safer.

5.) put on make-up (probably no one in here)? ... Hell no

6.) have more than 1 friend in the car (not a parent/guardian)? Ya usually i had at least one other person in the car with me till i got busted. Wish me luck next thursday in court.

7.) listen to loud music? Hell ya I blast Van Halen every time...

8.) eat? No

9.) drink alcohol? No

10.) on any other drugs? No

Im almost 18

haha good luck in court
1.) speed? yes 5-10mph or whatever traffic is doing

2.) talk on your phone? I rarely did then

3.) text message? I dont think my phone had text capability back then...

4.) speed up on yellow light? no

5.) put on make-up (probably no one in here)? Hell no...

6.) have more than 1 friend in the car (not a parent/guardian)? nope only 2 seats in the car

7.) listen to loud music? nope, radio didnt work

8.) eat? sometimes

9.) drink alcohol? um no...

10.) on any other drugs? no
1.) a few over
2.) no i get yelled at
3.) nope
4.) if I'm close yes if not i stop
5.) never
6.) nope
7.) nope....
8.) yes once
9.) nope
10.) nope...

I'm the youngest of all!
1.) Of course,it happens,but I would never exceed the speed limit in any outrageous manner (doing 80mph in a 45mph zone like some friends I know)

2.) Yup,and I dont have a blue tooth either,standard phone.Some people can talk while driving some can't,very simple.Im one who can

3.) No. Phone doesnt have text,and to me whats the point? I dont get texting....

4.) Yes. Though try not to if its on a major road,or if its traffic hour.Or if I know its a short light.

5.) Im a normal heterosexual male,so Ill say no,lol.

6.) Yes.

7.) Radio broken. Otherwise I'd listen to music while driving,not to the point of being audiable outside however...

8.) Umm,do candies and pastries count? lol

9.) This should go with out saying,especialy for teen aged drivers.You drink and drive your stupid.

10.) Was on Alki-Selters today for a cold,lol. But for what I think your implying,no.

Im 18 btw
1. i Speeded in my first car, what excess? i dont know all i can say is im glad i realize how much of a ******* i was before i hurt anyone and stopped. never down neighborhood streets though had some sense. heavy footed on the pedal.

2.actually never, thats because i think i lost or broke mine. but i have one now and i dont.

3. n/a

4.only time i didn't speed up when there was a camera, besides yellow is a warning telling you the light is changing not nessasarily telling you to slow down.

5.shaving count?

6. bunch of friends, in nyc no restrictions

7. yeppers, non descriptive rock music, and angry white music

8.yes and i even had cup holders!

9.never while driving.

10. never done drugs