The best drink ever!


Founding Member
May 16, 2002
Victoria BC

:D :D

I picked it up when I was in Shanghai last october, don't want to open it though.
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SadbutTrue said:
looks pretty shady... good to look at, I wouldn't expect to live through drinking it though lol

Haha, I brought one back for my friend as well. He tried his and said it tasted like melted Jell-o.

One thing's for sure, booze is insanely cheap in China. A 6 pack of beer costs like $2.50 Canadian! (which is like 2 cents american haha)
skywalker said:
That IS cheap! Geez, I need to make a pit stop in china!

'Course, there's a big chance of going blind from it haha. I'm a liquor man myself so how much was liquor?

Hard liquor for some reason is pretty expensive, I think I paid 7 bucks for a shot of Jack Daniels in a club there.
Jesus Christ that's alot for liquor. I really can't stand beer. I know the whole "its an aquired taste" thing but really...I've tried and I can't handle the taste. The smell and taste make me want to vomit before I'm drunk, and that's backwards dang it! :) On the other hand I can down a shot of jack, or a four horsemen or a shot of jaegermeister and love it. Jaeger and Jack I particularly like.
Make Your Own - It's Better!

Hey kids, want the ultimate "gonna party all night" energy drink? Got this from a Rodeo Clown (seriously!) who's also one of the minor league WWE performers:

3-4 oz Bacardi 151
One can of Red Bull (not the Sugar-Free kind!)

Guy actually had an endorsement deal with Red Bull, so I don't know if it works with Amp, Blast or RockStar etc. I do know that 3 of these concoctions kept me going for 42 hours straight one weekend. :crazy:

Of course, I slept almost that long immediately thereafter.

Still Dreamin'
StangDreamin' said:
Hey kids, want the ultimate "gonna party all night" energy drink? Got this from a Rodeo Clown (seriously!) who's also one of the minor league WWE performers:

3-4 oz Bacardi 151
One can of Red Bull (not the Sugar-Free kind!)

Guy actually had an endorsement deal with Red Bull, so I don't know if it works with Amp, Blast or RockStar etc. I do know that 3 of these concoctions kept me going for 42 hours straight one weekend. :crazy:

Of course, I slept almost that long immediately thereafter.

Still Dreamin'

When was this?! I mean...don't you have a teenage daughter or something? In which case, when do you have TIME to go out partying? :) I'm 20 and I don't have the time.

That sounds similar to a Jaeger Bomb though (Jaegermeister and Red Bull.)

*Edit* Just remembered, you live in Yuma, you have nothing else to do but party! *snicker*
The stuff in China has to be cheap when the average factory worker makes .35 cents an hour. They make up for everything in volume though. Even if only 10% like your product, that's still 10 million consumers. Of course a first class ticket is like 5 grand these days, and flying coach for 15 hours is no picnic. I go at least 4 times a year, and I come home with cigarettes and DVD's. :rolleyes: The DVD's are really the best deal going. I usually bring home a dozen movies or so each trip that have been in theaters for maybe 1 or 2 weeks only, and they cost me around 7RMB a piece. (The RMB is about 7.8 to 1 US dollar right now, that's 90 cents a piece) The biggest problem is where you go. Becasue there is virtually no middle class, you either pay thru the nose for something like your expensive drink, or you pay next to nothing. I could order virtually the same type of meal for 4 people at two restaurants, one is barely a table and chairs and the other is all atmosphere, the difference would be $20 vs. $200 easily. Of course at the expensive place you get to pick all your animals yourself in the petting zoo and watch them kill it momments before eating, the cheap place they do it all themselves in the backroom.

Great68' every experienced their version of KTV? :rolleyes: