warranty voided?

I understand you had a bad experience but I have heard you on here several times now and I have to question how this damage to your car happend.

I highly doubt the tech had anything to do with your a/c seal.. DO you know how much of a pain in the ass it would be to drain the system then pull the manifold line from the back of the a/c compressor or even more of a pain in the ass if it was the front seal with the holes. then reconnect the lines and then refill the system..

you really think somebody went thru all that trouble to mess with you. Tech's are paid at most places flat rate. SO that means this guy spent several hours of his time unpaid to mess with your a/c

And how did he destroy your abs module?

Ever think your new mechanic has just a little bit of a motive to "find" these things the other mechanics did wrong.. Hell now he is a hero to you and you will go back to him.. DO you really think your new shop is going to tell you your old shop did everythign right..

A lot of times what happens is a customer gets mad then blames every single thing that goes wrong with the car on that shop. Trust me no matter how bad it went with them I highly doubt they did anything to your car on purpose.

How would you like it if I bashed the industry you work in and tell people not to go to you to get work done. Thats what your doing to me by telling people not to go to dealers. I make my living fixing cars at a dealer and if people stop coming I don't get paid.

even if you got the 1- 1,000,000 tech who rather waste his time screwing with somebody than make money, but what does that have to do with other dealer service deptments.
Well said Mike. I commented on that thread when he made it. Seems an aweful amount of work that the tech didnt get paid for just to sabotage a car.

I can think of countless companies that do people wrong, it doesnt stop me from doing business. I understand that things do go wrong and labeling the entire industry is wrong

Thats right. Maybe he was done wrong by some dealer, but that don't mean all dealers are bad.. I can think of many private shops that do the same or worse.

I agree with you. I wouldnt bash the dealerships and doubt that a tech would ever do anything to screw your car up to get at you. But I don't believe this dealers techs are doing their job and actually trying to find out what is wrong with my car. They have been very rude to my wife and not trying to help at all. So I would tell everybody to not go to the dealership in lewisburg tn just find another dealer.
Not all dealers are the same. Some Suck, Some are Great, depends on the owner.

I signed a lease once and 3 years later when I traded in my lease, I found the dealership FORGED my signature on a NEW lease contract for more fee's. Lucky I kept my copy and compared it with Ford Corporate copy and they agreed there was a difference.

As for what to do.

1. Get your car back ASAP. Work done or not. Don't give them ANY time with your car, they are not going to fix it right now.
2. File a complaint with Ford Corp Customer Service, which I think you already did.
3. Wait until you get back to handle the problem.
4. When you get back if they refuse to work things out, dress in your uniform and make a sign saying "This Dealer Screws Soldiers...blah blah blah. Play the Military card, you are fighting for all our freedom not to mention THEIR freedom.
5. Call a local news station and tell them what happened. Last thing a dealer needs is bad press, espcially about treatment to military personel. I worked for a TV station and brought a van and camera down to a dealer for my problem, should have seen the owner Sh1t when he saw us there.

The more public problems you cause for them the quicker you will get what you want. They are a business and they think like one. Hurt their pocketbook / business and they will fix your car.

Then when they agree, have someone else fix it and send the dealer the bill.

Best of luck, and thanks for all you guys do!


I have had techs tell me one thing to my face, and put different stuff in a report, leave stuff out of the reports, lie to the managers while I am standing there, etc, etc. I had a dealership fix my fron allignment along with doing a plug change one day and they took the sub-frame connectors off, WHY? Don't know why, they said that he needed to in order to fix it. So what happened, my frame twisted and they could not get the sub-frame connectors back in. Towed to my bodyshop, which they blamed at first until they found out the shop was the one THEY recomended and used all the time..hehehe All that, then they wanted my body shop to pay for the ford Tech's time to take apart and f-up my car. The body shop laughed at them, along with me.

So 2 months later I had to go back to the dealer for a spark plug that blew out of my head. (they changed my plugs when they f-ed up the sub-frames), they tried to say they NEVER worked on my car ever. Never touch the sub-frames, or installed plugs and refused to fix the blown head. I whipped out my receipt and threatned to call corporate with my receipt in hand and they took and fixed my heads that day.

Needless to say some dealers SUCK. They will lie, cheat and steal. But that is NOT All of them, some are great people. I have since stopped going to that dealer since a new one opened up 5 miles from my house and they have been GREAT, even fixing the other dealers mistakes and not sending me back thier since I told them all the problems. One dealer is not supposed to fix anothers mistakes.

2002GreyGT said:
4. When you get back if they refuse to work things out, dress in your uniform and make a sign saying "This Dealer Screws Soldiers...blah blah blah. Play the Military card, you are fighting for all our freedom not to mention THEIR freedom.
This is not a good idea unless he's been discharged first. The military isn't too keen on its active duty members using the uniform in this manner. There are regulations that prohibit it.

I agree that the dealer employees should not have been rude to his wife. Sometimes customers don't take it well when warrenty will not cover a big repair like this, but no matter how pissed she got I think the management there handled breaking this news to her poorly.

However, I Don't see how they screwed him. They are only following Ford policy reguarding modifications. In fact if they decided to be nice and not tell ford and cover it they would be opening them selfs up to responsibility for the costs of this repair.

Thats how Ford handles that if they catch a dealer trying to give a break on this, They void the claim and the dealer then eats the cost. Dealers don't like eating the cost.

In fact we had a tech at my work this year blow up a motor in his lightning and then have to pay for it himself because the ford rep found evidence of mods. He was one of our techs and we could not help him.

I really wish you luck on this and maybe the regional office might help you out some if you talk to them when you get back. Hell if you were near me and I had a shop I would give you a serviceman discount
They should not have been rude and you were doing good until this part here
Straight up BULL*****!! he being a serviceman has nothing to do with it. Stop using the fact he chose to serve his country for a reason why he should be an exception to a policy that an aftermarket part caused a failure to a major engine component. Who cares that he serves his country when it comes to the issue. The issue is about the car not working and an aftermarket part that causes it. So if someone else who isnt a serviceman has the same issue, he shouldnt get that same treatment right? BS!


Your frame twisted from 2 minutes without subframe connectors. That make NO sense at all to me. Did your bodyshop tell you why it twisted.

And about the heads, Ford has known for a long time that the heads on the MOD motors have a problem. it's not uncommon to blow out plugs even with the originals.

Well i am glad they fixed it for you, but for future reference, we don't work for ford and Ford could care less about what we do on customer paid repairs. So I would not waste your time calling them. I would contact the general manager or owner of the dealer, and if that fails sue them.
svttech76 said:
Your frame twisted from 2 minutes without subframe connectors. That make NO sense at all to me. Did your bodyshop tell you why it twisted.

My car was in an accident a year before this on the the front end, so when the took the subframe connectors off, the frame twisted a little and they could not get them back on. Hell they even un-mounted my engine while they had it...WHY!

The main point is Ford touched something they had no right too and messed things up, and then tried to pin the bill / problem on someone else (Me the body shop, etc). Just like they do for an aftermarket part.


The same reason one cop does not give another cop, fireman, ambulance driver, etc a ticket....RESPECT. If it was not for him being a servicemen, then he would have been here to handle the problem himself. The fact he is risking his life for all of us, he deserves a little more respect then ignored phone calls, refused meetings, etc.

IMO, Ford will try to screw ANYONE out of money if they can get away with it, from the salesman to the service tech. Each dealer is a sole operated business and they are in business to make MONEY. The bad ones don't care if they loose a customer now a days. All they care about is the balance sheet. (The bad dealers that is, I have had some dealers go WAY out of their way to help me, but that is RARE RARE RARE to find).

Also, some dealers will fix problems with Mods all day long, no questions asked. When I blew my plug out of the head, I still have my CAI, exhaust, short shifter, etc on the car...never said a word or cared. Why, cause they would have to PROVE without a doubt that any of the mods caused the problem.

That is a weak point. You are comparing two people who have the same job together and giving each other a professional courtesy IF THEY CHOOSE TO. So is the dealership a servicemember? Just because he is a serviceman doesnt mean the outcome would be any different. In fact it would probably be the same as it is his car that has aftermarket mods that have been proven to create the issue he has. Again, your point is weak.
There is a difference in them ignoring the calls and NOT WANTING TO deal with the situation because they are following policy and tired of her trying to get it covered when it shouldn't be. It has jack ***** to do with the fact he is military. That is a sorry and lame excuse. it is nice they do get special treatment, but they sure don't deserve it because they CHOSE to serve IN THE MILITARY.
That is because the Heads are known to be weak and that dealership knew a cold air kit and shifter had jack to do with it when the head issue is a known problem.

This guy has LONGTUBE HEADERS THAT ARE KNOWN TO CAUSE OIL CONSUMPTION and he has AN OIL CONSUMPTION ISSUE. Let's compare apples to apples man, not different fruit.
One: the aftermarket parts have not been proven to cause the problem because they dont know what the problem is, they voided the warranty before they looked at the car because they saw the intake.

Two: I don't expect special treatment because I am a soldier. But I do demand a certain level of respect. I am not there to deal with this problem and an employee of that dealer lied to me and said they would fix it under warranty. Screw the warranty at this point I wont let anyone work on my car but I figured I'd try to get it fixed for me when i can drive it when I got home. All I want now is to know what is wrong with it and have it returned to me free since i already paid $200 to send it there because they lied.

Three: Update I emailed the dealer and the only thing I got out of it was the service manager called my wife and said he wanted money to tow the car back and he still doesn't know what is wrong with it. I told my wife to tell him we dont have the money to tow it back right now and when I go back I will go down there. I will make a huge show there and try to get a reporter to go with me. I will also be bringing a bunch of friends there who will walk around the lot and advise people not to buy a car there and give them other dealerships cards. I have had it with this dealer and all I asked for was to know what is wrong with the car and to send it back, simple request I think.
When did they say it would be covered under warranty? Did you call them on the phone BEFORE you even took the car in there and told them " there is something wrong with my engine and I have such and such miles, would it be covered under warranty"? Or did they tell you it would be free after they look at it? Hell it doesn't matter now because after the stunt of bringing a reporter that you just you posted, I wouldnt believe you anyways. If you did, shame on you as you forced them into a position to answer without giving them the full facts, nor looking at the engine. I think you did because once they saw the aftermarket parts, they recanted.

See, I was siding with you until part 3.

This is the problem with America. Things go wrong and at no fault to the dealer(your car is broke and you have an extensive aftermarket mod list and expect it to be covered under warranty) and the dealer is following policy. Because of that you refuse to be a man and accept that for what it is and decide to take a reporter there to pick up your car with you to film you making an ass out of yourself. Plus your friends will be asked to leave and if not you all will most likely go to jail.

You aren't that smart as you are choosing to escalate an already bad situation into a worse situation where it will cost you even more money that you dont have.
They knew everything that had been done to my car. I called down there and talked to them. I told them my mod list and made sure they knew that I had headers and full intake. They even ran my vin to check if warranty was good. Then the guy I talked to checked with the service manager and he said no problem they can still fix it under warranty even with the mods and they only thing I would have to pay for would be new exhaust gaskets.

I am not not mad that they voided my warranty so much as I am now out the money for the tow there which is $200 and now I have to pay the same to tow it back. The least they could do for lying to me is pay for the tow back.

I had my dad call and ask them if they did a compression check and they said no. He asked how they came to the conclusion that it has a dead cyl and they couldnt give him an answer. Which proves they never looked at the car. So now I am going to be out $400 and I still done know what is wrong.

That is why I will cause bad publicity for their dealership.