Mach 1 What kind of motor oil do you use?


New Member
Nov 18, 2004
Amarillo, TX
Just kinda curious as to what others are putting in their far i've been using Mobil 1 fully synthetic 5w-30. Just had my second oil change today.... :cool: .....Royal Purple is pretty hard to find around here, so I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but some people say it doesn't make any difference and others say it does so I'm not sure what to think.....anyway, just that i'd start a new thread since there hasn't been very many recent ones.......
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djlethalwang said:
Just kinda curious as to what others are putting in their far i've been using Mobil 1 fully synthetic 5w-30. Just had my second oil change today.... :cool: .....Royal Purple is pretty hard to find around here, so I haven't had a chance to try it yet, but some people say it doesn't make any difference and others say it does so I'm not sure what to think.....anyway, just that i'd start a new thread since there hasn't been very many recent ones.......
AMSoil 5w30 full synthetic... :nice:
Thumbing through the forums and found this thread. I'll probably sound a little biased because I'm an Amsoil Direct Dealer but I've used their oil long before I ever became one. If I had a choice between Mobil 1 and Royal Purple, I'd go with Mobil 1. In a recent article in MM&FF the Royal Purple rep said that all synthetic is made from crude, which isn't true. He is referring to Group III synthetics which is petroleum based, but the higher quality synthetics still use PAO and are Group IV oils. Mobil 1 is still a Group IV, as are most of the Amsoil oils still. I can only assume, based on his comment, that RP is now a Group III petroleum based synthetic as well. Previously their lower end oil was a blend and only the top line racing oil was a PAO. Now I wonder. I undertsand that Amsoil intends to be taking RP on showing comparisons in the future. Apparently there has been some talk being thrown around and Amsoil is finally going to take them on with their claims. Us Dealers have been waiting for this for a while, since many of us have performance related cars and/or race and get confronted with the RP claims all the time.
Jim Dandy said:
Oh Christ, the Amway/Amsoil stooges are gonna smell blood now that Syntec has been mentioned.

Change oil hot and often. Brand doesn't mean squat anymore.

I don't know about the Amway stooges, but this Amsoil one will throw a comment. Castrol Syntec is a Group III petroleum based oil and started the whole change in the synthetic market letting a petroleum be called a synthetic. Not sure why you would comment that brand doesn't matter. Many of these Group III oils are barely any better than a standard Group II petroleum when you compare their specs. Their base will still suffer the limits of a petroleum versus the Group IV PAO based oil. Of course if you get the oil for free, then it makes it a little more difficult to decide which oil is better...if you are considering price a factor. :)

Proof? Or is this just an ad claim?

I went 30K with the oil in my GT and oil analysis showed no wear taking place at all inside the engine. On another personal experience I had an 89 E150 Conversion Van with the 5.0. I did my oil change in May and around July I lost my water pump with all coolant just flowing out like a waterfall. I had to drive the van home around 20 miles. Didn't quite make it when the van started knocking too much to continue. I let it cool a bit, then managed to limp the rest of the way. Towed it to my friend shop swapped the pump out, but told him to leave the oil in. Did the usual oil filter change at 6 months. Around Jan., an air bubble in the manifold head from manufacturing popped and I was squirting my fluid out again. I drove to and from work a couple of days filling it before each trip and empty and overheating by the time I got home. The trip was approx. 8 miles one way. Fixed that problem then when I found out what it was (BTW, all these problems is what evntually made me trade the van in and got my GT). In May I did my annual oil change and sent a sample of for testing with about 10K on it. I figured I beat the oil up pretty good after this, especially the first time in the July heat of Florida. Sample came back that the oil was still good for continued use. I don't think any of the Group III petroleum based synthetics could have performed like this. These are a couple personal stories, I've been told many others from other customers and Dealers.

Also, those testing results you see on the Amsoil literature. These are usually conducted by Southwest Research Institute and the graphs and results are their findings after testing the oil, not ones from Amsoil's in house testing. This company performs most of the "Independent Testing" for Amsoil and tests if they meet the various specs listed on the bottles.
Jim Dandy said:
Oh Christ, the Amway/Amsoil stooges are gonna smell blood now that Syntec has been mentioned.

Change oil hot and often. Brand doesn't mean squat anymore.

This is about the same way I see it. I change mine every 3000 miles, while hot, and let it drain for 30-45 min. There isn't a lot of benefit, if any, by going with Mobil 1 full synthetic, Amsoil, or Royal Purple in my opinion when changing it that often, and when using the car as a daily driver. I do like to use one brand consistently though, whether that be the MotorCraft 5w20 I am using now or another brand.
rs-turbo said:
I don't know about the Amway stooges, but this Amsoil one will throw a comment. Castrol Syntec is a Group III petroleum based oil and started the whole change in the synthetic market letting a petroleum be called a synthetic. Not sure why you would comment that brand doesn't matter. Many of these Group III oils are barely any better than a standard Group II petroleum when you compare their specs. Their base will still suffer the limits of a petroleum versus the Group IV PAO based oil. Of course if you get the oil for free, then it makes it a little more difficult to decide which oil is better...if you are considering price a factor. :)

I went 30K with the oil in my GT and oil analysis showed no wear taking place at all inside the engine. On another personal experience I had an 89 E150 Conversion Van with the 5.0. I did my oil change in May and around July I lost my water pump with all coolant just flowing out like a waterfall. I had to drive the van home around 20 miles. Didn't quite make it when the van started knocking too much to continue. I let it cool a bit, then managed to limp the rest of the way. Towed it to my friend shop swapped the pump out, but told him to leave the oil in. Did the usual oil filter change at 6 months. Around Jan., an air bubble in the manifold head from manufacturing popped and I was squirting my fluid out again. I drove to and from work a couple of days filling it before each trip and empty and overheating by the time I got home. The trip was approx. 8 miles one way. Fixed that problem then when I found out what it was (BTW, all these problems is what evntually made me trade the van in and got my GT). In May I did my annual oil change and sent a sample of for testing with about 10K on it. I figured I beat the oil up pretty good after this, especially the first time in the July heat of Florida. Sample came back that the oil was still good for continued use. I don't think any of the Group III petroleum based synthetics could have performed like this. These are a couple personal stories, I've been told many others from other customers and Dealers.

Also, those testing results you see on the Amsoil literature. These are usually conducted by Southwest Research Institute and the graphs and results are their findings after testing the oil, not ones from Amsoil's in house testing. This company performs most of the "Independent Testing" for Amsoil and tests if they meet the various specs listed on the bottles.
Right on cue.

What's your background in chemistry? Any in oil refining? How about reliability testing?

Do I get points for relating not-so-witty-and-hard-to-verify stories? Would you consider the 200K+ miles I got on my old Galaxy 500 using old crappy Valvoline an anomaly? The 220K+ miles on my Mazda B2200 using close-to-water Castrol GTX a fluke? How did I EVER manage 200K miles on my Honda Accord with Castrol GTX? ALL HAIL THE PORCELAIN GOD OF AMWAY/AMSOIL!!!!!! THESE ARE STATEMENTS OF FALSE IDOLOTRY!!!!!

Amsoil/Amway's strategy (besides pyramid schemes or "multi-tiered marketing") is always to tear down another product via their surrogates. No proof, just whispering and innuendos.

I suspect you're no different than any of the other Amway/Amsoil stooges. You've read a few propaganda pamphlets and now you're an instant expert.

The secret to long engine life is to adhere to the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule. PERIOD. Nothing fancy, nothing scientific or complicated. Change your oil according to Hoyle and keep your vehicle maintained properly.

If you choose to use Amsoil/Amway, then fine. It's a lot like peeing while you're wearing a dark suit: no one knows and no one cares, but it keeps you warm.
Glad I hit my cue :)

No, no background in chemistry or any of those other fields you asked. Just what I've learned since becoming a Dealer. My Direct Jobber has studied tribilogy and is Floridas only Certified Lubrication Specialist. If you want to know the chemical makeup and how all the various molecules in the oil work together along with all the fancy scientific names, I can get that or have him explain them here.

How do you verify your stories? What do you consider a verified story? I tell you mine, but those are then not verifiable for you being a personal testimonial. If I were to show a printed testimonial, this would then be considered Amsoil propoganda. So what sort of "proof" would you need. I have a collections of magazine articles that have featured Amsoil over the years: Rod Action (1980), Hot VWs, (1980), Off-Road (1992), Corvette Fever (1999), Coast to Coast (2000), American Iron (2001), etc.

Congratulations on all your vehicles making it to those high miles. I'm not saying that it cannot be done the old fashioned way, but I bet you after the same number of miles, my engines will have less wear and using extended drain intervals will cost me much less than your consistant 3000 mile drains. Plus I feel I have the added security of knowing I have an oil that can handle temps way over 400 degrees should something happen, such as in my unverifiable testimonial, rather than dino oil which will start falling apart around 260 degrees. There must be some reason why jet engines run synthetics...could it be because synthetics can handle the extreme hot and cold conditions better than petroleum?

Yes, I have read many of the Amsoil literature pieces. I have also read many other article and reviews as mentioned above: Lubes n Greases had an article on extended drains and that 3000 miles changes being hype by the oil manufacturers to sell more oil. Europe has been doing 10,000 mile drains for years and is now promoting them in the U.S. GM is also recommending extended drains using their new oil monitoring system. Wonder why this is? Could it be engines and oils have improved over the years? Why do some of the same oils found in the U.S. have longer recommended drains outside the country? And how can Mobil 1 now come out with a synthetic they promote for 15,000 miles, if it cannot, and should not, be done?

Amway and Amsoil are two different companies. Both do use similar marketing, although Amsoil is a little different that's why you can now find Amsoil in parts stores and repair shops, where you won't find Amway products in retail outlets (as far as I know). When Amsoil first came out, people didn't understand the concept of automotive synthetics, since Amsoil was the first. Some people still don't, but over the years it has become more the norm. How many cars come factory filled with synthetic today? Corvette, Porsche, Mitsubishi EVO Lancer, Viper, Ford rear ends, Allisson offers extended warranties on their trannies if you use a synthetic. There must be some reason why. But in the beginning no one knew, so Amsoil used Dealers to learn and try to explain these benefits. They have continued that through today and while other oil companies are laying off, Amsoil has been growing over 30% every year for the past several years. Are they a Pyramid? No. Lets see which is more "pyramid-like." An oil company sells their oil to a national distributor. This one sells it to a regional distributor. Next it is bought by a parts store warehouse. From here is is distributed to all the stores in this chain from the warehouse. Joe's garage needs oil and buys it from the local parts store. You buy it from them. How many levels did this oil go? How many people had their fingers in a piece of the profit? How much did you finally pay for the oil if you went to the parts store? Doesn't that make you wonder just how much the oil originally cost the oil company to make for everyone to get a piece of profit from it. Now Amsoil: Amsoil makes it, I buy it, you buy it. That's it. You can even buy it with one of the factory direct wholesale accounts and buy it for less by passing me by. Which sounds more like a pyramid, buying direct from the manufacturer, or being the fifth or so buyer somewhere down the chain?

No flaming meant, just some thoughts to toss around. :)
Amsoil: 21st Century Snake Oil

rs-turbo said:
No, no background in chemistry or any of those other fields you asked. Just what I've learned since becoming a Dealer. My Direct Jobber has studied tribilogy and is Floridas only Certified Lubrication Specialist. If you want to know the chemical makeup and how all the various molecules in the oil work together along with all the fancy scientific names, I can get that or have him explain them here.
That's what I figured -- you're a snake oil salesman. Typical Amway/Amsoil tactic, prey on the ignorance of consumers.

I see now that my years of studying fluid dynamics, fluid mechanics, figuring Reynolds numbers, Poiseuille flows, etc. in college were all wasted. I could've just cut to the chase and studied "tribology" via an Amsoil/Amway pamphlet. Instant expert.

Amway/Amsoil cannot prove any claims and they never have. Why the feds haven't stomped their dicks is beyond me.
Okay, I see this is going to get nasty....

Jim Dandy said:
That's what I figured -- you're a snake oil salesman. Typical Amway/Amsoil tactic, prey on the ignorance of consumers.

Now who is talking about ignorance? Explain to us then why European cars are driving 10K between changes. Explain to us why GM developed their oil monitor system and says you can drive longer than 3K using it. Explain to us why Mercedes had to pay out money to consumers when they started promoting extended drains in some of their cars a few years ago, but neglected to say they had to use synthetic to achieve those intervals safely. Explain why the automotive edited David McFall of one of the lubrication industry's technical magazines, Lubes-n-Greases, who also once was working with the API, wrote several articles about the 3000 mile drain standard saying that Americans were being "shackled" into this belief. Explain to us why Mobil oil has released their own line of extended drain oils, are they simply trying to "lower" themselves to snake oil salesman as well? Explain to us why Allison transmissions offers an extended warranty ONLY if you put synthetic into their transmission. Explain to us why Ford started using synthetic in the rear end when they found the ABS sensors would burn out from heat using a petroleum product. Apparently all these companies must be mistaken, or are also trying to sell a bill of goods to the public. Mercedes did a lot of "selling" then by replacing all those engines.... Saying this is all Amsoil hype, isn't an explanation, especially since most everything above doesn't involve Amsoil at all...unless you consider that it was Amsoil who has held these beliefs all along.

Jim Dandy said:
I see now that my years of studying fluid dynamics, fluid mechanics, figuring Reynolds numbers, Poiseuille flows, etc. in college were all wasted. I could've just cut to the chase and studied "tribology" via an Amsoil/Amway pamphlet. Instant expert..

I guess so. Sorry you wasted all that time and money. There are other ways to learn about lubrication other than thinking all us Dealers just read some flawed Amsoil pamphlet. The gentleman I spoke about earlier did not take these courses through Amsoil, these were professional courses that he took on his own because of his interest in this type of knowledge and technology and I believe was his field when he was in the Navy working with Nuclear Submarines long before he ever became an Amsoil Dealer. Do you have a specific question about any of those above mentioned studies? I'll have him answer them then.

Jim Dandy said:
Amway/Amsoil cannot prove any claims and they never have. Why the feds haven't stomped their dicks is beyond me.

Yes, I am really surprised about this too. They have been in business since the early 70s and have always been a small company in comparison to the other companies. Any major brand could have squashed them and their "false" claims out of existance years ago. Especially since Amsoil "claims" they compare to other products and shows them in a bad light. I would think these companies would get upset and do something about it. There must be a reason why they don't. And I'm also surprised the FTC hasn't attacked them yet either. They have slapped Slick 50, Motor Up, Prolong, and all those other "snake oils" with false claims, wonder why they haven't done Amsoil. They've had plenty of time. Yes, your question pluzzles me too. Perhaps you could explain why none of this has happened to us as well. :shrug: