XXX meet. 07/30/2005


My 8V > 4V > 2V
Founding Member
Aug 20, 2002
Redmond, WA

The weather is promising.

I think it is time we have a XXX meet. It seems like i've been out of it for the longest time. So IF anything is already going on as far as meets go, please disregard this, but if nothing is going then...


When: 07/30/2005 6:30pm
Where: XXX in Issaquah
Why: Cuz
How: By car, By Bus, By airplane, By walking, etc
Who: Everyone

Don't say you haven't been warned. There are TWO WHOLE WEEKS to get time off or make arrangements to have the kids at a babysitter.

Please mention if you're coming or not, because the drive is not so short for me anymore. I, like some of the nothern folks, have to drive for ages to get to XXX and i don't want it to be for nothing.

KALIN <---
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Turbo92PGT said:
Man its been a long time since i've hung out with any of u guys. :( It sucks. I wanna start going to burger master, that place is better than XXX. Girls are hotter lol So Gerard did your car blow up or somethin? Did I hear that right??

girls? where?
Turbo92PGT said:
Man its been a long time since i've hung out with any of u guys. :( It sucks. I wanna start going to burger master, that place is better than XXX. Girls are hotter lol So Gerard did your car blow up or somethin? Did I hear that right??


meh... intake manifold gaskets blew, it was crazy. my No. 4 intake runner was full of antifreeze, and so was my driver side header. when I unbolted the X-pipe, coolant spilled out. The gasket I have is supposed to be a good one but I guess it doesn't hold well with alum. heads. :shrug: runs a lot better now, still smokes, but it's not blue anymore :nice:
Damn man I feel sorry for u. You always have a bunch of crap goin on with that thing. Let me know if I can help you out at all. Also, I stayed at my work till 1AM wetsanding and buffing a lincoln mark LT truck we two toned. I'm a buffing pro now lol so your car should turn out really good. The only thing is i need to get a mini buffer. My big buffer isnt going to work on everything.
My dads corvette had a similiar problem to you gerard. Somethin fell into the engine and beat the hell out of one of the pistons and bent the head. Coolant was leaking out of the MUFFLERS! :( It screwed it up pretty bad lol

It was probably one of those gay torx bolts ;)