1995 AC Issues, please help!

Hello all, I’m new here and got a 1995 GT. I’ve owned the car for a bit more then a year now and the AC has not worked since I got it. I replaced both the high and low pressure switches to see if that would fix the issue of the clutch not kicking in but of course, nothing... I also tried to pull my CCRM off my 96 parts mustang to see if that was the issue and again, of course not. Is there anything else I can do short of replacing the entire AC system?! It is 90°+ almost everyday here and I’m tired of only having windows! Any help is greatly appreciated!
AC stuff can get complicated, I would take it to a shop that does ac work and spend the few dollars to check out the system, I could tell you there is a way to jump the limiter switch but all that will tell you is that you are low on freon and could damage your pump. I have heard about putting a can of mr freeze (I think thats what it's called) and see if it works but that could over charge the system and again cause damage. Thats my advice.