2007 taxes

I'm getting a refund, but it was almost $2K less than last year! I wasn't happy to say the least, and my fed. taxes doubled this year. Damn uncle sam is a greedy bastard! We put our refund into our savings account every year, so that's where this one will be going too. I may spend some of it to replace a few windows in our home though.
turbotax says i will get about $3300 federal and about $1200 state

it will most likely go towards trying to keep my financial titanic afloat

college expenses for 2 kids are looming.

and i am going to have to pay 2 years of nursing home expenses for my wife's parents in order to keep the beach house they gave us last year (damn 5 year medicaid look back rule!). that is probably going to run about $200,000. i have no idea how i am going to swing that ... we are thinking about taking a second loan out which would suck, or sell our home and buy one that costs about $250K less than whatever we get for our home. my wife does not at all want to sell the beach house.
Should be getting-back $3000 or so, but I'll be getting it before the end of the month. I'll probably use it all to pay-off some bills and pay-back a friend who lended me $640 to get started after I moved this winter.

Then its time to start thinking of a few mustang mods
2200 fed and owe 178 to state. Might spend 3-400 of it, rest is going into the bank.

We plan to save our return the next few (3 or so) years along with a seperate saving account for the downpay of our next home. Figure it will be about 5-7% worth alone for the price range we will be looking at. We want to put any money we make off our "starter" home into a mutual fund.

Oh, yeah....1200 stim. check on top of that. We are going to take some of it and replace our 15yr old TV. We were going to buy one last month but were going to finance 2-300 now we will prob just buy it outright.
i'd like to put it into the mustang, but i dont know whats going on since

my checks are all going into - food, bills, gas tank.
my power steering is going, not sure if its the pump or the rack.
my fuel pump is on its way out also, can't even hear my exhaust over it.
i burn so much oil i put oil in my car more often then gas.
car idles like its got a slight miss.
i'm just not happy with it performance wise.
body is shot, paint is worse then my $350 thunderbird.

made a list of how i would build the car if i had the money, building things not exactly the way i want them, the way i thought i could afford them, not including any machine work, or anything else that breaks, and a couple things i left out when i made the list, and it came to the point i was thinking for the price i could sell the car for, i could use the money and buy a really nice car, that will have enough power for me to screw around with for now, and do little things to it to pep it up.

i'm eligible for a credit card next month, i'm thinking of making myself extremely broke, with a fast car