65 c4 kickdown rod issues? 65 owners come in

i replaced the standard intake with a edelbrock one and a holley carb. my kickdown wont activate properly now. the 65's have that weird metal plate and rod activated kickdown. my understanding is that in 66, they changed to the pedal rod kickdown and even later models use a rod off of the carb linkage. what im wondering is if i should change to a later style kickdown. the carb says it has a ford auto kickdown lever, but im not using it now obviously with the 65 style kickdown. has anyone else changed there 65 style kickdown to a later style. i have it patched right now with a piece of metal screwed onto the throttle rod to activate the kickdown, but i think its limiting my w.o.t. what can i do to fix this? is a trip to the junkyard in order?
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im thinking i want to go a step further and upgrade to the even later than 66 style that way i dont have to mess with the pedal rod and all that. has anyone changed to the style that the carb kickdown lever actually attaches to. its a rod that runs from the kickdown hookup on the tranny to the linkage on the carb. its why some carbs say in the description, "includes for auto kickdown linkage."
I had a similar issue on my 72, a previous owner replaced the stock intake manifold and carb and removed the A/T Kickdown linkage altogether. I bought a LOKAR A/T kickdown cable. IT hooks to the kickdown linkage on the carb and runs down to the tranny. I have heard good things , but don't have it installed yet to know first hand how well it works. Maybe this weekend.
jes72mustang said:
I had a similar issue on my 72, a previous owner replaced the stock intake manifold and carb and removed the A/T Kickdown linkage altogether. I bought a LOKAR A/T kickdown cable. IT hooks to the kickdown linkage on the carb and runs down to the tranny. I have heard good things , but don't have it installed yet to know first hand how well it works. Maybe this weekend.
so this actually is for the c4 transmission??? not the lokar tv cable for an aod right? that sounds like a great option. let me know if it works out well.