69 Mustang Wiring Harness


New Member
Dec 22, 2005
Detroit, MI
I need to rewire my Mach1 and I was looking for opinions on what to use to get the job done. The only kit I found for a '69 is Ron Francis and it seems to be more of a universal mustang harness. I am looking for something of good quality, easy to install, and complete so I don't need to buy a ton of extra stuff. I am going to have a new in dash CD player with subs, power windows, and air. What is a good kit? I see a lot of people using EZ wire, but how is the quality and ease of the install? Painless my a universal muscle car kit that plugs through the firewall, but it expensive for a universal kit. The other problem is how to cover the hole in the firewall from the old wires. The engine compartment has been detailed and the interior was sprayed with Lizard Skin already. Ron Francis includes a cover, Painless reuses the hole, what about EZ wire? Any other kits I should look at?

Thanks for the Help!!