God I'm an idiot . Ok anyways, I was going around a fair sized corner at about 20 mph, no other cars in sight, and its raining... I'm the type of guy that likes to slide around abit ya know? Well I tapped the gas and I went around so *****in fast my right rear hit the curb, sending my right front into it as well . I slid around the opposite way OVER THE CURB, and slid like 30 feet into a parking lot. Thank God I didn't hit a pole that was nearby. Anyways the right rear wheel is has a lil dent about an inch long just inside the rim of it. And the front wheel rim part is scratched about 5 or so inches long. There is no vibration at 30mph. I'll check at higher speeds tomorrow. Is it possblie to reverse the dent on the wheel or is it doomed? And for the scratch, can I take a diegrinder (sp?) to it to even it out or will it make it worse ? This is the type of wheel. Thanks all!


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just find a good shop that you can ship the rim to to have it fixed. I know that just slooking through car magazine there at least a dozen ads for companies that'll fix bent wheels. p.s. i spun out in the rain the other day and alost went over a curb. Wouldnt have cared to much cause tehr 10-holes and im goin 5-lug right now.
I cleaned up some curb rash on my wheels by using just some fine grits of sandpaper. Depending on how bad it is, you can start out with say 120+ grit and work up to 400 or more. You can go all the way up to like 1500 grit for a finer polish. Then use some metal polish to polish them up like the guys that polish their intakes and such. You can probably fix the dented wheel pretty easily. Most of the wheel repair places can do it and it won't even be noticable.

If you hit it pretty hard, might check to make sure your axle is not bent. I hit a curb in mine going around 20 mph, and it bent the axle flange slightly. the wheel wobbled visibly, but there was no vibration.

Good luck!
The repercussions of goofin off. I took a curve on a dry road about 45 and went a little to far out. Luckily it was in a new housing area and was just dirt. I did hit a stick and cracked up the clear on the lower rocker but lucked out.

If I were you, I would either ship out the wheel to be fixed or buy a new one. There is not much we the average person/shade tree mechanic can do to wheels once their bent or heavily scratched. Fixing a wheel generally runs about $100 not including shipping. Unless you have a wheel shop near you that can fix it, I'd just buy a new one. Then you will know it is perfect. Make sure the steering knuckle or tierod end is not bent either. Its hard to tell unless you are aligned on a rack.
trbkrb said:
If you hit it pretty hard, might check to make sure your axle is not bent. I hit a curb in mine going around 20 mph, and it bent the axle flange slightly. the wheel wobbled visibly, but there was no vibration.

Good luck!

He's right, my friend did this right after purchasing an already modded 00 GT. It had 4.10's under it so it was a little more torquey than his stock 89 LX auto. He was showing off to somebody taking a corner and sliding............ right into a curb. Broke the rim, the axles, and bent the axle housing. We ragged on him so bad after that. But you might wanna check those out too, they might have jacked up your rear-end gears also. Hope it works out for ya.