Any lifters in here?

I'm a 1%er... Whats your lifts at? I started heavy liftng in August and started a decently serious bulk in September and I'm going to start a cut the end of January.
Staring #'s:
Me: 165
Bench: 185lbs 3x
Deadlift: 255Lbs 3x
Squat: 185Lbs 6x (started a month ago)
Power Clean: 115 3x (again, started a month ago)
Barbell curl: 75 6x
Military press: 115 5x

Me: 180Lbs
Bench: 235 1x
Deadlift: 335 1x
Squat: 275 4x
Power clean: 155 4x
Barbell curl: 95 6x
Military press: 145 8x
Protein and creatine only (I dont take any energy stuff anymore, my lifts went up after i ditched NO, i take 24grams of pretein pre, and 48grams post along with 5grams creatine mono pre and post.)
I go on and off, i try to go atleast a few times a month, but when I get into it I go 3 times a week. I get into it then take a break then get into it again, I like to just stay and shape and keeps me confident, id love to be huge and perfect size but im happy how I am now.
I lift at the gym and lift at night. I find its way less crowded at night and I have free reign on whatever I want to work on.

My bench is 195 for 8 reps
Curl 100 barbell 45 dumbells
Triceps i do extensions on a cybex station 100 lbs for 8 reps
legs no squats because of knees Leg press 315
and nearly everything else I use machines.

I believe in high intensity lifting. This principal is based on the concepts that you use heavy weights for low reps and about 3 sets at the most. The reasons why its effective for me is because I concentrate on really controlling the weight slowly and squeezing out every rep. The guys that you see jerking weights around are just trying to look good with a lot of weight. I make sure I do a nice full rep. To me theres no point in putting up a 275 lb bench if your 1/4 repping it fast. I also perform controlled negatives movements in addition to my regular sets. What this means is on curls for example ill have a buddy help me with the upward motion (positive) movement, and then I let the negative movement down on my own. This helps with size and strength because you can lower way more weight then you can lift. I find this is a great way to up your weights in everything.

Ps Im 5'7 180 lbs with around 9 percent BF
I discovered weight training my freshman year in high school . After a couple months and hearing my first compliment from a chick....I was hooked . Been liftin ever since . Physical fitness is a huge part of my life . I'm not humongous or anything I'm 5'7" weigh 185lbs and bench 305 . mostly work out for fitness reasons cause I'm on SWAT .

but I'm addicted....miss a day and I feel like crap!

SWAT as in law enforcemenT? Ah GOD...
God your bench is huge lol Haha the first compliment is always what keeps it going. I thrive off them when I get a compliment. I figure im not the best looking guy or the richest but you gotta have an angle. I figure why not try and keep myself in the best shape I can.

I keep the supplements to basic things like creatine, no, and keep protein intake up. I like Gaspari nutrition products, and use noxplode before workouts. Im considering switching to a different brand no because I think the noxplode might have too many stimulants for my body, I get a lil jittery.

Yeah thats a good bench for your size! My best is 275 2X