any other high school stang drivers on here? quick question if so?

What kind of parking is that? haha my parking lot is fine I park by the band people now so there never leaving when I am so im one of the first out haha.My school has 4 parking lots there all 100+ cars and the other parking lots are for teachers and every person leaving at once makes one hell of a jam.I wish I could park all nice backwards...if we do we get a parking ticket
well at my school there is a separate lot for the teachers.

then 9-11 get a parking lot that can hold about 1,000 cars max(unless you start parking like they do then maybe 1,200! then he seniors have there own lot that we cant park in....and ya right after school for about 2 mins its ok about 5 mins after it lets out and its a race to the exit...i usually just putter on up the backside and out the other exit...takes less time.
No sir....i sat in the back seat with the cool kids from 3rd grade to 12th. I can tell you there is NOTHING cool about being 6'1'' on a school bus unless you're behind the steering wheel, and even then it's not very cool

Please tell me you had a mullet like the one in your avatar I don't think even the baddest 12th grader would want a piece of THAT dokken-mullet.
We had a standard ol' parking lot back when I was in high school and everyone parked alright. Our parking lot was a lot larger than needed, so my friends and I parked in the front right-hand corner of the lot(I always parked beside people that I knew wouldn't open their doors into mine, etc.). College was a whole different story. The parking lots there were packed on most days and I found random door dings on my daily driver on a regular basis(even when I parked in the less populated lots).