Anyone using Slingbox? Need help hooking laptop to TV

I just moved to Sacramento last Sunday and with football season just about to start (pre-season doesn't count) I need to figure out a way to watch the Eagles and Penn State. My brother in law got the slingbox when he moved to RI last year but he never hooked it up.

Is anyone using a Slingbox and have any feedback about it.

The one thing I'm concerned about is hooking my laptop up to my TV and getting the picture right. I've hooked up my laptop to my old roommates' LG plasma via S video but the picture always looked stretched and low quality.

I've got a Dell Inspiron 6400 and will be getting the Samsung 650 46" LCD when I move into my apt. next weekend.

How do I hook up my laptop to the TV and get the picture right?
hey man how you liking it so far? I just got up here about 2 weeks ago also... moved to Davis which is about 10 min west of Sac. I work down by 65th st and folsom(right by sac state).

I ended up getting the NFL ticket because there was no way I was going through a season watching the 49ers/Raiders lol.
It looks like your Samsung model has a PC input. But check to make sure. That's the best way to hook up your laptop. You'll be able to get full HD resolution then, running the LCD as a second monitor. Using the S video output gives you very low resolution.

If it doesn't have a PC input, then you can get a converter wire to go from the monitor out on your laptop to one of the HDMI inputs.

But whatever you do, DO NOT BUY CABLES AT THE STORE! Buy HDMI and other cables online. You'll pay 10% (not 10% off, 10%) and get exactly the same thing.

Oh one more thing, if you are running your laptop on the LCD much, buy this mouse or something similar. That Logitech is wireless and works long range (from your couch), so you can control the video or surf the web without getting up.

Well I'm living in a hotel in West Sac now so that sucks, but I move into my place this weekend. We'll have to meet up some time....i might have to whore you're NFL ticket. Who's your team?

Any suggestions for a website to get cables from?

I'll definitely get that mouse....I need a new one anyway.
Well I'm living in a hotel in West Sac now so that sucks, but I move into my place this weekend. We'll have to meet up some time....i might have to whore you're NFL ticket. Who's your team?

That does suck... west sac is kind of run down. Where is your new place going to be? If you need help moving in let me know.

Cowboys for me and my fiance is a Steelers fan. lol. I'm always down for watching the Eagles lose.

I got my HDMI cables from