BBK O/R H pipes suck!


New Member
Mar 18, 2003
Puyallup, WA
do any of u guys have this H pipe? mine keeps falling apart in the center where a clamp is holding both halves together. it looks pretty worn after only being on for 2 years. i tried to change the clamp but it wont hold it. i was driving down the street and all of a sudden my exhaust went loud as hell and it sounded awesome but obviously it will piss people off lol!
since im shipping my car back to the states in a couple weeks, my stock h pipe will go back on and im getting a custom X pipe put in when i get back.
any of u guys have problems with your H pipes?
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no problem with mine useing the clamp. BUt it is very tight wihtout the clamp anyways. i think the problem isnt in the h-pipe but that the flow tubes on your exhaust are spreading apart to far. tugging on the center of the h-ppe. you have 2 options here 1. weld it and 2. drop the mufflers outta the front hangers and bend the hangers out some so it doesnt try to spilt the h-pipe so bad.
Actually I only had mine for about a week.So far I love it.I had someone install it.The only problem he had was the the hose from the smog pump was to long so he had to cut it,and he welded the middle piece.