Best compliment you've heard about your car?


Cookies should never be DUNKED!!!
Aug 3, 2004
atl ga
I'd have to say mine was when some guy emailed me that i owed him a new keyboard b/c his was fried from all of the drool accumulated on it after looking at my cardomain.:lol:

Another favorite
"your gas cap is open"
Usually when i pull up to a light ppl say nice car or someother BS well one guy pulled up in literally a POS primered late 80s transam. Motioned to me to turn down the music(yea i was jammin) and he dropped this on me. My friend jumped out tightened and closed it and i still smoked him, my first ever real street race with my license*tear*
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I don't really get too many at all. The one I remember most is that a guy with an award winning 5.0 came up to me at a show and told me I had a really nice car.

That's just the best now isn't it.
I pulled up to the parts store to get some oil. 3 kids are going to their car parked next to mine and goes "I'll bet that car is fast as f**k isn't it!?"

"Yeah, it's not too bad." :rolleyes:

They continued to drool and gawk over my car for another 5 minutes or so and staring in amazement at the mostly stock engine. lol

That's about the most complimenting I've gotten so far, but I've only had the car for almost 2 months.
One of my neighbors that lives up my street from me that drives a
2001 Camaro Z28 SS drove by my apartment one day when I was doing
a oil change in the front of my apartment and said I heard you driving
through the apartment complex a few times your GT sounds nice what
exhaust do you have? I said geee thanks I agree my GT sounds alot
better than that LS1 truck you are driving and you can keep guessing
because I will never tell you what exhaust I am running.It was funny
because he looked at me funny and peeled out and took off. "priceless"
88 Fox GT said:
I pulled up to the parts store to get some oil. 3 kids are going to their car parked next to mine and goes "I'll bet that car is fast as f**k isn't it!?"

"Yeah, it's not too bad." :rolleyes:

They continued to drool and gawk over my car for another 5 minutes or so and staring in amazement at the mostly stock engine. lol

That's about the most complimenting I've gotten so far, but I've only had the car for almost 2 months.

I get that alot from kids too. I try and talk to them and be nice maby they will remember that when they are getting a car and they will buy a stang and not a rice car lol
Roland69 said:
I get that alot from kids too. I try and talk to them and be nice maby they will remember that when they are getting a car and they will buy a stang and not a rice car lol
Hell, I respect them because they didn't start blabbing about some super fast hot rod they have in the garage that they are working on that has 500hp and can do wheelies on the street and it could smoke mine. I think I've heard that same story about 10 times. One of them did state that they had a 305 Camaro they were working on but didn't say it was some kind super fast car. 305 Camaro and fast don't belong in the same sentence anyway.
i either get a smirk then smoke their ass when they try to get tough or i just get a nod. one time i got a holy son of a bitch!!! then i was like...what? he was in a white lx 5.0(i have white/silver gt) and said he had sitting at home waiting to go on his car my wheels, wing, cage, seats, tach, and steering wheel. i thought he was kidding until i saw him a few weeks later with all that stuff in his car. it was kinda funny
When driving the GT (mods in sig), which isn't very often, I usually get gawks, especially at stop lights when it's sitting there loping. It's great when you see people stick their head out their window to look/listen when they drive by.:D

One time at school, I was leaving and this guy came up to me and stuck his head in my passenger window (I was stopped) and said it sounded nice or something like that and I remember he's like "I have an 01 GT and it doesn't sound anything like this!" It was so awesome.

I'm pulling the motor now for a rebuild and want/need to sell the car afterwards, but I don't know if I can bring myself to it. Driving the car makes me really happy except usually I'm too worried about it dying on me at stop lights or overheating that I'm a nervous wreck the whole time.

Anyway - way off topic now:SNSign:
one tme a buddy of mine clueless of what a 5.0 is. Told me my car was too plain it had no appeal...I said get in. He shOtted himself from the feling of torque...And has like the thing ever since.I think he might belive its the fastest car ever(lol,sadly im not joking)
I was leaving a restaurant in my cobra when a group of chicks came pulling in with a suv. This hot brunette yells out the window "I want to have sex with your car" that was the first time I had ever heard that. I have had women say they loved my car and jokingly humped it a couple of times but never wanting to have sex with it.