Best compliment you've heard about your car?

probably the best compliment was when i took it to the grocery store, and upon returning to my car, there was a note under the wiper stating how much this individual liked my car and left me his phone number incase i was interested in selling it.

for someone to go through all the trouble, i figured "wow, this guy really liked my car"........... pretty cool.
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not a usual thing, but i went to a cruise in this past friday night and had to drive right thru the middle of everything and everyone to get a parking spot. got her parked and this guy came over and said it sounded really healthy as i was coming in. he asked what all i had done under the hood. regretfully i had to say 'stock'. but it sure did make me feel good. seems like ever since i switched to my spintechs, i get more compliments.

the guy that complimented me was the owner of a 06 black supercharged saleen :eek:
Pennywise2 said:
One of my neighbors that lives up my street from me that drives a
2001 Camaro Z28 SS drove by my apartment one day when I was doing
a oil change in the front of my apartment and said I heard you driving
through the apartment complex a few times your GT sounds nice what
exhaust do you have? I said geee thanks I agree my GT sounds alot
better than that LS1 truck you are driving and you can keep guessing
because I will never tell you what exhaust I am running.It was funny
because he looked at me funny and peeled out and took off. "priceless"

Wow you sound like a nice guy :notnice: I get "I don't like fords/or mustangs a lot but your car is awesome" a lot. That and "Light em' up" That one gets a little annoying.
My '92 (the "stock" one) gets more compliments, but not many. Usually about how "clean" it is. We have more than enough beat-to-hell Fox bods running around my area. :nonono: Only compliments I get on the 90 are for the sound.
in the 92 i get alot of "my god, that car is beautiful" and alot of "gorgeous" and "priceless" comments.. have alot of "badass" comments and alot of comments about the exhaust.. llol when you drive it everyone manages to look
people tell me how nice my sounds and stuff.

and people freak out when getting rides in it. Honestly my car isnt that fast.
basically a stock 5.0 with a stock and gears. only 13.9.... i am used to it. but i guess to regular old people its fast.
The best one I’ve gotten is when my coupe was parked at a gas station. There was a guy looking at it and just as he was turning away I got back in and started it up. The look on his face was priceless, he had a huge grin on his face and game me 2 thumbs way up.

Other compliments were people asking how much I would sell it for on the spot...
89five.o said:
Wow you sound like a nice guy :notnice: I get "I don't like fords/or mustangs a lot but your car is awesome" a lot. That and "Light em' up" That one gets a little annoying.
That bowtie guy comes around my apartment building when he is leaving
and rev's his LS1 truck up and lights up the tires right next to my window
when I am trying to get sleep for work in the middle of the night and he
does it on purpose so, he deserves it.
I get the thumbs up from people all the time. I also get people asking me to "light 'em up!"

It's odd that a lot of people only know who I am, based on the Cobra that I drive. I've had so many people approach me to talk about it and I always talk to them. Then, a year goes by and someone approaches me again and says, "I remember talking to you in the Wal-Mart parking lot last summer, Remember?" I usually don't, until they tell me the details. It pays to be nice to everyone that you meet.
I love when i get people in gas stations asking me if i wanted to sell it. That was always cool.

I found a lot of guys would want to talk to me about it or threw me thumbs up.

Girls would always say "That's a Mustang? How come it doesn't have the pony up front?"

In my new GT, i don't get it as much. I still catch people looking at it and an occasional "nice car" but i never get anyone coming up to me to talk like when i daily drove my Fox
My dad offered me $500 more than I payed for the car the day after I bought it. I thought that was a pretty good compliment. I have had people tell me to light em up before. One time I was sitting at a light and a car went by in the turning lane and I heard them say you see that Mustang. Alot of people say it sounds nice and also ask what is done to it.
After I had the heads done and the long tubes put on the vert I went to pick up my friend (I got the car from him) after a ride down I40 he ask if I would sell back to him.:D
"pretty good for a 17 year old paint job"

"I don't like white cars normally but yours looks awsome for some reason"

"damn I love those trunk models"

"I always wanted a 5.0L"

"those things rock, don't they"

"does it spin much" :rolleyes:

Just a few weeks ago...

I had not washed my car in over 2 YEARS, and it showed. I had oil problems with the pcv so the entire back of the car was coated black. The white paint job looked like @$$.
I pull into a grocery store and a guy says "Nice car" All I could do was laugh and thank him for the compliment.

That did motivate me to wash it though.
This isn't really a compliment, but I ALWAYS used to get asked "What's the top speed?"
"Well, it will do about 140."
"That's it?"
"Yeah, computer starts to cut fuel then." :rolleyes:

Usually, I'm talking to someone who drives a truck or a 4 banger or something.