Can I make a 03 GT hang with a 02 vette?

+1. I would go with a full Maximum Motorsports kit. griggs is outragouse and over the top for a street car IMOP.
I've had the chance to feel 97 GT full grigg's with a 03 Mach 1 engine in it - I've never driven a full MM car, but i can't imagine it being THAT much smoother/forgiving if it handlers near the same level. I guess it depends on where you live and how often you drive it.
Hard to hang with a vette. They are serious machines.

At the local Autocross there is one that can hold a sustained 1.06G in a turn....verified by a GPS mapping setup he has to plot his runs vis satellite and then overlay them on a satellite photo of the area. Pretty slick stuff. He can see his line through the turns.

I called MM about the differences between setting up a irs as apposed to a solid and they told me thats its a PITA becuase you have to re-bump stear the car everytime you make a adjustment and it took them a couple of days at the track with a 4 man team to dial the irs they have on their track car. after hearing that and looking at the cost of a irs swap I have decided to stick with my solid setup.
What is anyone's experience driving a full MM or Griggs car???? How much different is it from stock??? Day and Night????

srry to hijack but, from the research that I have done, Griggs is the best that money can buy IMHO. MM is great too.