I recently installed my guages and for a while the needles weren't accurate because I didn't put them back on fast enough and didn't wait until the engine was cooled off. Then I finally went out one morning when the car had sat overnight and put the needles where my buddies auto needles were at when the key was on but the engine not running. Anyways I used to only be able to be at about 60mph when in 2nd gear at redline. Now it is at about 65-70mph at redline in 2nd gear. And in 3rd I could get to 90mph but now it's between 95-100?? Can someone let me know when in 4th gear at 3000rpm, what mph are you reading? Mine reads right at 70mph on the money. Then can someone do like, 4000rpm in 3rd and tell me what mph you are at. I am not sure if my mph are off or the rpm. I have a 2000 gt coupe with stock gears and stock tires. Thanks in advance.