cant wait for the fall and winter!


My Grandpa has great wood.
Sep 13, 2004
Miami, Ok
WHY? b/c when its really cold, the engine in our cars run real right and have more SOTP power to them. And the car spins tires easier. I remember last winter i would nail it in 2nd and spin the tires, and could get squally with a hard shift to 3rd lol.

once summer cam and got real hot. the car wouldnt do that stuff anymore. when i did the engine swap. The new engine on a super hot 100+ summer day would spin them and get more out of control than the old engine did on a freezing winter day!

i cant wait to see whats its got this winter lol....
Shoot, with a turbo car its more fun, I ran like 18 degs. of timing and 25psi of boost one night, it was like 25 degs out side, would spin 2nd so hard it would wheel hop, and then power shift 3 and still be spinning and then finally hook after about a second of spinning in third, and then go to fourth, and hold on, that was a fun car until I blew the engine. Too much boost!!!

Man In florida I cant take any tempature.

No a/c its 95 degress everyday, im sweating my ass off and my car is more then 100 degress inside.

Then out of knowwhere 5 minutes later it rains, so im still sweating my ass off with the windows up and the humidity and my windows are fogging up with no defroster.

Then winter comes and in a day we go from 90 degress to 50 degress, now you guys may say thats nothing but for me its bad, and I go to school every morning shivering and shaking inside my car like an iceicle with my huge ass jacket on with no heat.

Sorry for the rant, I love my car

When winter hits, my car gets put away until spring. I'll be damned if I let me car get eaten away by salt.

Here in Buffalo, NY, they use so much salt on the roads, they look white! Cars rust out VERY quickly here. My wife's DD is an '03 Dodge Stratus, and there are already rust bubbles forming on the damn car. I'm so pissed!

Anyway - the Mustang gets put away in October and comes back out in April/May.
id rather it n0t get c0ld. a little c00ler than it is n0w and i w0uld be happy. maybe lik 60 every day and it w0uld be fine. i just d0nt want it t0 get c0ld because i g0t my carb setup running g00d n0w and i d0nt want t0 have t0 mess with it 0nce it gets c0ld

Haha, Awesome.

I wonder what the GT will handle like in the winter. We'll see. I don't see it being too bad, I mean prolly like a light 2wd truck maybe.
*GASP* I will gladly pitch in a dollar or more so you can get a light 2wd truck or something to not ill your stang in the snow, how bout all northern stangers move to the south... Probblem solved lol
haha thanks for the offer guys. I will TRY it in the snow, But for daily driving purposes I'll drive my corsica probably, Or if I can find a truck, I'd get one, and just torture it.
I'd like to go to some tropical island with pavement all around, and ship the stang over there.. But the sea water during transport is hard on cars and the **** gas most islands have would be harsh on it.