Car got Egged Tonight

man am i pissed. just venting..............I was sitting in a left turn lane while the perpendicular traffic comes around making their left turn and out of nowhere some white truck comes and then i just see and hear this egg break all over my window. I was so pissed that after a few more cars came i lit up the rear tires doing an 180degree turn and by now they had over a mile distance on me and probably were just laughing there asses off. i Flew right past a police station on at 80mph on a street for 45mph. As i get to the end of the street i see the truck making a left turn. So i continue hauling ass and as i go to this left turn there was a cop sitting at the intersection to make a right. i was already going so fast so i just committed to the turn and continued after the truck. cops never turned around considering i took a street turn at 30+mph. and my car is loud as fawk with no cats. followed the truck through a neighborhood and back on to a main road. we got to a street that was finally two lanes i pulled next to them and the punk ass kids wouldn't even look over. I know they were scared ****less and all the sudden they go into a parking lot and im continue straight. it was at this point i decided to stop chasing since i couldve have easily busted an illegal U since there was no traffic. they left the parking lot and headed in the opposite direction. i was still pissed and raped my car all the way to the gas station. and just lit them up infront of the gas station where i proceded to go clean my car. The n i saw cops who came from an intersection by the gas station i thought for sure they were comming to get me. They busted a U-Turn and drove by slowly looking at me and continued on. i was thinking i should have waived them down to atleast report it incase they did see these punk ass kids...i knew what kinda truck i just thought i shoulda atleast taken down their plate number or somthing....i figure next time i will.... and their probably wont be a next time kuz i know those kids musta been scared as fawk.

lol i know this is long so dont ask for cliffs because im just venting
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i would be pissed too that takes ball to try that **** i wouldn't have let it go as easily as you though i would be in that parking lot dragging there asses out and beating them i dont play well with tards. if it was my 94 i would be upset but it needs paint and stuff so i might just get angry if it was my 93 i would be the psycho in the parking lot beating up 16 year olds lol

-Car got egged
-Chased down punk ass little brats that because of todays society find it hillarious to damage others property
-Scared the kits ****less when you caught back up to them and followed them

Personally I would've gotten up next to them showed them my cellphone as I was on the phone with the police.
i kinda have this thing called road raged maybe you guys are familiar with it lol i remember right after i bought my 94 we were driving back to the house my in the 94 and the wife in her 00 malibu and there was this ******* on the highway that was tailgating her and being rediculous...(shes preggo with my baby) so i merged into the other lane (i was in front of her car) and speeded up and sure enough he finally makes his move to pass her so he gets behind me i start slowing down the old lady passes me on the inside and out of danger and i show him what its like to be on the ass of another car as i completly locked up the car slamming on the brakes after that he stayed back out 200 feet :D
i kinda have this thing called road raged maybe you guys are familiar with it lol i remember right after i bought my 94 we were driving back to the house my in the 94 and the wife in her 00 malibu and there was this ******* on the highway that was tailgating her and being rediculous...(shes preggo with my baby) so i merged into the other lane (i was in front of her car) and speeded up and sure enough he finally makes his move to pass her so he gets behind me i start slowing down the old lady passes me on the inside and out of danger and i show him what its like to be on the ass of another car as i completly locked up the car slamming on the brakes after that he stayed back out 200 feet :D

My dad sent some @$$hole into the median of the highway by tapping the brakes hard once. The tailgater over-reacted to the front of dad's car nose diving, and had no where to go. He swerved and slid through the median and stopped there. No one was hurt luckily and the dumbarse just sat there. Probably trying to figure out what the new found smell was in the car.
noone messes with my stang for some reason... i was parked at my g/fs house and her brothers 06 civic got egged and my car was litterly right next to it clean as can be.... my probe got keyed once.... they didnt get deep and i buffed it out... lol i can only wonder what the kids did the next time they saw the car clean as can be scratch free
How many kids were in the truck??? Cause it would of been less then 3-4 I probibly would have tried beating the hell out of them.But then again I have anger problems when it comes to my car.

Like I've said a million times if anyone touches my car(tries to hurt it)there getting a really good ass beating:mad:
As I have shared with everyone on here not too long ago. I would have done the same thing. Probably shouldnt have if I did but I probably would have. My jiminey criqet is my g/f. She is the voice of reason. lol
I just would have called and reported it. As soon as something starts nowadays, you have to start a paper trail. Everyone gets lawyers and things turn to crap.

Also, ever since I got a concealed carry permit, I think about things like that differently. I now assume that everyone carries a gun like I do, and this coupled with a few quick breaths does a lot to calm me down.

I think I would get satisfaction from seeing them picking up trash on the side of the highway mid-summer then popping them a couple times.
