Car might be driveable again!!


New Member
Dec 23, 2003
Renton, WA
As some of you might know, I haven't been able to drive my car due to flat tire. The tires are past the legal limit all around (they are the original tires from day one and now I am on 80k miles :D ). Well I have been calling around today, to see how much tires are going to be. I think I am just going to make it so the car is back on the road and only repair the two rear ones for now. I found the ones I am going to go with:
Kuhmo Ecsta 712 275/40zr 17 Rear wheels
Kuhmo Ecsta 712 255/40zr 17 Front wheels (in two weeks)

I was just seeing if anyone has had experience with these tires!! I know there are a lot of you against Kuhmo's, but for those that aren't, please let me know. I had Kuhmo's on my Mercedes and never seemed to have problems, so I figured I could try them again.
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I have those exact tires on my car at the moment, I love 'em! Better than my Toyo Proxes at any rate. Those things would spin at the drop of a hat and the Kuhmos just hook and go, not to mention they are a world of difference in the rain (you can pretty much drive normal!).
i have Kuhmo 712's on my car as well. i found that they do stick to the road better than the proxy's but they don't handle as well. i'm all over the road with the Kuhmo's where the proxy's hold a nice line.

i figure the Kuhmo 712's are softer in the side wall. probably why they cost less than proxy's. but for the money Kuhmos are a good tire. (especially when money is short)

but next time i'm going back to proxy's.
Well I am not sure on the brand yet, cause I guess Costco is having a sale on tires. So at my lunch time today, I am going over there and seeing what they have. I know for sure I am going with some 275/40 's in the rear and 255/40 's in the front. I guess Costco is doing $80 off a set of tires.

are the 275's going to make my car look like it has clown feet (look weird)??

Well I called Costco and their sale is only on Bridgestone and Michelin tire brands.
those two brands 275's are expensive, so no wonder they are doing a sale on them.
I had the EcstaSupra's on my last car and dont have too many complaints. They are great in the rain. Nickel had a set on his Stang and seemed to have some traction problems but over all they are a good tire for a cheap price.
I think I am going to drop the idea of selling the car for now. I had not a single person even question about the car. :( Oh well, I am not sure about this saturday, but a saturday very soon I will be out. We are moving this weekend to a new APARTMENT (not house). :mad: :bang: Our fu'king ceiling fell in at the place where we live right now. So we have to move IMMEDIATELY, so we signed a 10 month lease on an apartment. As everyone knows, we were looking for a house, but that was taking time finding the house. So, again we are in another apartment. So, that is what we are doing this weekend is moving, so we'll see about coming up on saturday.
My_Little_Pony said:
I think I am going to drop the idea of selling the car for now. I had not a single person even question about the car. :( Oh well, I am not sure about this saturday, but a saturday very soon I will be out. We are moving this weekend to a new APARTMENT (not house). :mad: :bang: Our fu'king ceiling fell in at the place where we live right now. So we have to move IMMEDIATELY, so we signed a 10 month lease on an apartment. As everyone knows, we were looking for a house, but that was taking time finding the house. So, again we are in another apartment. So, that is what we are doing this weekend is moving, so we'll see about coming up on saturday.
neat ;)
c'mon man! I work at bridgestone/firestone! you want tires? 1 dollar above cost man! fuzions, potenza 750's, S-03's, datona's, etc.
fuzions are cheap, they can be about 70 115/tire
daytona and 750's are about equal, 750 corners better I think
and the S-03 is usually 190-230 each and are the freaking ****

stop by dude, I work in the ranier one, the # is 226-0900, workin m-w then f&s