Couple of questions about my car........maybe I'm just paranoid...........


New Member
May 15, 2004
First off, I don't like buying used cars......if at all possible I always buy them new.

However, I knew if I wanted to finally get me a Mustang GT it was going to have to be slightly used.

I've had my 02' GT for about a month now and it has 32.3k miles on it.
We also just this past weekend got my wife a new 04' Corola S, sharp looking car....but a bit slow for my taste.. :p


First question > Does your car idle perfectly smooth? Mine idles smooth but if you watch the tac it will flutter up and/or down just a tad every once in a while. Is this normal?

Second question > My transmission operates 100% as it should, however after driving on the highway for say 20-30min. and then getting back down to low speeds in town, my trany clanks and clunks a bit. It works just fine, it just gets a little noisy. I took a ford tech for a ride-a-long and he said it was nothing more than transmission slack and it was nothing to worry about. What do you think?

Last question > With the car in neutral, and coming to a stop while turning, say into a parking spot for instance, I will sometimes here this "knock...knock...knock...knock" noise from under the rear of the car. It almost sounds as if something is knocking against an exhaust pipe or something. Any idea what this is???

Any help or opinion is appreciated. I may be a bit anal about stuff like this but I like to keep my stuff, espically my cars, in good condition. Just the fact that I know some other dude used to drive my car around makes me pay particularly close attention to stuff like this.

Thanks. :D
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I have all of those issues you mentioned with your car except for the knock sound from the rear. Maybe something banging the driveshaft.

I'm just the opposite. I buy all my cars used. Too much money left on the table after you drive off the lot. So until I'm a millionaire and it doesn't matter I'll continue to buy used. Haven't had a bad one yet.
i have had the problem with the knocking noise, it allmost sounds like the drive shaft is hitting back and forth on the gears making gear lash sounds. i asked my dad about it and he said he thought it was just the rear end , cause its a posi trac that the rearend letting the one side slip. but i don't know , i had it real bad one time and then it stoped. haven't heard it in a while now
change the rear end fluild and add the proper amount of additive incase the trac loc is acting funny , that should clear it up , check the rear shocks , i have 38 K miles and one is blown out , oil running out of it everywhere . just some ideas . clean out the IAC on the idle issue , they get build up with carbon quickly .
02GT/65coupe said:
i have had the problem with the knocking noise, it allmost sounds like the drive shaft is hitting back and forth on the gears making gear lash sounds. i asked my dad about it and he said he thought it was just the rear end , cause its a posi trac that the rearend letting the one side slip. but i don't know , i had it real bad one time and then it stoped. haven't heard it in a while now

I have the rear end knock too. So far Ford can't figure it out or replicate it. It has gotten worse though so I'm going to try to have a tech ride with me one day. I think it had something to do with suspension because my suspension just started squeaking really bad lately.
oh forgot to mention , had my car on the lift helping a friend do the catback at like 7 K miles , one of the bolts on the upper control arm bushing to body had a quarter inch gap in it where it wasnt tightened up enough from the factory , we noticed the new tail pipes where hitting bad on bumps , tightened the control arm up and noise was gone , it was the passenger side by the way , same side my shock has taken a crap on .......
Thanks for the replies.....the bolt thing is very interesting.

I may take it to the Ford garage and tell them what to look for. These things should be covered by the warranty.
