Crazy ****ing Dream this morning!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Oct 11, 2005
I was on my way to Hissin's house to meet up. We meet and he looks like the guy on his Avatar, but in a white trash sort of way. To make things worst he was hitting on me!!!! He fixed my car whatever was wrong with it in my dream, and he invited me in for a glass of water. So i was like ok let me park my car. So i take of!!!!!!! He starts chasing me!!!!!! So im all scared. I finally loose him, and i stop and get gas and boom he shows up. Luckily my mom woked me up!!!!!! I guess i spend to much time on here!!!!!!lol
Wow, I feel honored and dirty. If it makes you feel better, I can tell you that you are NOT the first member (ha ha, I said...........) here who has had a dream with me in it (seriously).

I look a little older than my avatar but in a classy type of way. Remember, Grady and I dress and look like an older version of Crockett and Tubbs.

This is just weird. I hope you werent yelling out any names when you were awoken.
Damn JT.......Do you feel violated...????

"It puts the lotion in the basket.......or else it gets the hose....."
Guero said:
you know whats weird you didn't make sure to say your not gay? ahahahahahahahahahaha jk

Anyone's whose ever seen me could never make that mistake.

I didn't think of your dream as being sexual. I guess I was wrong.

Just messing with ya.
Will at the first comment.

BTW, I have no idea what your reference is (lotion and basket, etc). I'll google it so this thread doesnt get super nasty.
JT....don't tell me you have never seen "Silence of the Lambs" of the greatest psychological movies ever......spawned off of manhunter and then Hannibal was made......or The RED of them came

You would get a kick out of the actor that is the "villain".........we won't talk about the "tuck it in" scene............
Some years back, I did happen to see SOTL's and Part dos (and maybe another version - with Bill Peterson [CSI dude]). But I don't recall that phrase......... It must have been something that one of the nutjobs chanted. I guess I don't soak up that stuff very well.
Yeah. I have a tendancy to remember those types of was in the SOTL....when the senator's daughter was in the well and he lowered the basket down with the lotion in it to rub on her body to soften up the skin..........SO HE COULD WEAR IT>>>> It puts the lotion on or it gets the hose............"NOW PUT THE LOTION IN THE F"N BASKET"...........and don't forget his little dog "precious"................
thought u were gonna say you were on top of a hill wearing these sort of sun god robes while thousands of naked women keep calling your name and throwing little pickles at you.

Why am I the only on who has that dream?