dead '69 ignition


New Member
Jun 15, 2010
Can anyone help with this? The battery is good, the starter cranks when I jump the solenoid. But the ignition is dead. I installed a new keyed ignition, that did nothing. Of course, after that I tested the plug with a circuit tester and there is no juice at all.
Could this be the neutral safety switch? (But wouldn't there be ACC power and the dash gauges at least jump when the key is on?)
Or am I doomed to finally replace all of that dirty spaghetti under the dash?
Did you do a voltage drop test for the secondary ignition? If the starter is turning, then you are not getting any spark at the top end. Take a test light, have somebody else turn the key, and see where you do and do not have current at the coil.......Could be a very easy fix, like a cracked or broken wire.....