Detailed Tach Install


New Member
Sep 22, 2005
I am not very experienced with wiring anything electrical in my car, this 5" tach will be my first. Anyone have any detailed instructions on what specifically to hook each component to, pictures wouldn't hurt :D. What do you reccomend as far as conceiling the wires coming from the tach itself? Thanks.
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Well as far as concealing wires, I wouldnt put it on my dash (personally) cause I will NEVER drill holes in the dash itself. I would maybe put it on the a-pillar somehow and run the wires through there. Thats what I did.

As far as wiring, just hook up the (+) to a hot in run source. (the purple and orange wire in the console for the vert top comes to mind) And just ground it on the chassi. And for the tach lead, you can hook it up to the coil. I also THINK you can hook it up to the tan wire with the yellow stripe (tach terminal) at the computer, but Im not 100% sure.
I just cut my clock... :nice: You can pop it out and put a new clock in if need be. :flag:



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diablostang said:
I just cut my clock... :nice: You can pop it out and put a new clock in if need be. :flag:


that's a sweet looking gauge cluster... I like the tach but I don't think I can put one on my dash.. Just doesn't go right with the car.. And I don't wanna drill it or anything :(... Also, I have an automatic so there's no point in getting a tach.

Other than the tach, I love the black/blue gauges... /me drools..


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diablostang said:
I just cut my clock... :nice: You can pop it out and put a new clock in if need be. :flag:

Thats a good idea for the tach, If I ever do get one thats where Ill put it.

Also I see we have the same cluster gauges. Have you ever noticed that they are the wrong ones? I noticed that the day after I put them in. Its the one for the 4.6. Oh well.


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