Finall thoughts on Presedential race..

Any man who has become President of our country has managed to piss off a LOT of people. Hell, the great ones manage to do so enough to get themselves assasinated. We have to deal with whoever is our leader. The fact that anyone thinks Bush or Kerry is not as bright as they are is irrelevant. Bush is President for four more years. Love it or hate it.
And the funny thing is that the places where Bush got most votes is where the odds of a terrorist attack are less likely, and NY and other major metropolitan places didnt care for Bush and thats where attacks are prone! What that means is; and I quote "Americans that live in more rural areas are paranoid or just simply oblivious" (Some 3 star Army General, dont remember his name)
Darkness said:
What that means is; and I quote "Americans that live in more rural areas are paranoid or just simply oblivious" (Some 3 star Army General, dont remember his name)
If you look at the CNN map-by-county (posted early in this very thread), it's clear that Bush got all of the cow & sheep vote.

I voted for Bush, I give Bush a C as a president, but the mhighest i could see Kerry scoring was a D-. Obviously more of the unbrainwashed people felt as i did and put Bush in. Those of you who take movies like Farenheit 9-11 as your information source, and rehash the viewpoints of in your hatred of Bush really turned the rest of us off. Had the Dems went with someone more suited for president like Joe Lieberman i might have voted differently. After seeing what Kerry did when he came home from Viet Nam in throwing our soldiers under the bus to the senate so he could score points with the likes of Jane Fonda there was no way in hell he would ever get my vote. The left needs to realize the 60s are over. America does not want another Clinton in the white house. Notice how quet terrorists where when Reagan/ Bush senior where in office? Then Clinton took his eye off the ball for 8 years and bam 9-11 happens. The recession and the war on terror are Clintons legacy to America, I dont see Kerry as the one to clean it up.

A key word here .......

"Based on various academic and military school records including his SAT score (1206), conservative columnist Steve Sailer has calculated that Bush's IQ is between 125 and 130."

Want to cite a credible, non-biased source?

We're reaping the fruits of Clinton's mistakes and lack of conviction. Clinton ran the country on public opinion polls, swaying with the wind. Shoot some cruise missiles at the problem and it will go away. We can't send tanks and armor to Somalia, we would look like invaders. What was the first thing Kerry did when the Osma tape came out. Take a poll. We would have had a return to the same thinking as Clinton. Being the President, some times Bush must make choices that are hard or unpopular. I trust him to do what he feels is best for our country regardless of what isolationists, the liberal media and tree huggers start screaming about. Its a hard job! He has to make choices that are hard and people may die. But I trust him to do what is best for our nation.
People like Clinton and Kerry dishonor the Americans that gave their life for freedom. People died so Kerry could have the freedom to throw his medals away and disrespect his fellow swift boat brothers. His whole purpose of serving in the Navy was to help in his political aspirations.
Not serve his country, protect America and help bring freedom to others around the world. He has the right to believe what ever he wants, we live in a free nation. I just don't think he represents true American values and beliefs. His goals are self centered! They revolve around how he could become President. Like Clinton he wants to be JFK.
I am thankful that we have the freedom we do. Many Americans died so that we can have conversation like this. I feel every one should have the right no matter what country they live in to decide for themselves. Not be told what to do with the barrel of a gun to the back of their heads. Hiding our heads in the sand, and being scared to take a stand will never solve problems. Every one that thinks its not our problem should have to live in a third world country for a year. With out the things we take for granted your opinions might change very quick.
DrkGreenStang said:
This is why Washington needs to be two different states, with the Cascades as the divide. I voted Bush. So did 65% of my county.

Um... no... 51% voted for Bush.

And funny enough, more people voted against Bush than have voted against any candidate in history.

THere are clearly two very different groups of people in this country.

Who wants to bet that Bush doesnt give a $hit and that he'll govern like it's his way or the highway?

Its sad that a whole election was lost over midwesterner's fear of two dudes kissing.

It's sad that those people who lived AROUND the Twin Towers and around the highest gay population in the US voted against fear and homophobia (Kerry), and those with the least likelyhood of being attacked by terrorists (the Nashville Cadillac Graveyard Museum is way down on Al Queda's list) and the least gay population voted for their fear of terrorism and their fear of gay people (Bush).

I *am* happy to report that here in Oregon we regained Democratic rule in the state senate and house, and made incredible similar gains in Washington. The country may be looking 51% for Bush, but we sure have it good here in the beautiful Northwest.
To blame the recession and 9/11 on Clinton is just as dumb as blaming it on Bush. Presidents get pegged with whatever happened during their presidency that their constituents see as positive and their opposition see as negative. Liberals will give Clinton the nod for leading the country in the most prosperous decade any country has ever seen in the history of humanity, while conservatives will blame him for the recession in his last year in office. He had little to do with the rise and (sort of) fall of the tech stocks that were boosting the economy. While I don't personally agree with the way Bush is handling the country/government's money, he isn't and shouldn't be heralded/heckled for the economy during his term, either, because he also has very little to do with the overall economy. Some choices definitely effect it, especially long term, but not as much short term.

Ask any economist; presidents always get "awarded" with praise for however the economy did during their term (more than anything how it was at the END of their term, which people remember most), yet overall they are a much smaller factor in determining it's course and rate of change.

That's not what it means. What it means is, people in more rural areas tend to identify more with the ideas and values of the Republican party.

The the fear of a terrorist attack had very little causal affect on the voting patterns. New York didn't vote for Bush becuase they believe that terrorism isn't that big of a threat? No, New York along with most other other BIG cities were not likley to vote for Bush anyways- this has nothing to do with terrorism, paranoia, or obliviousness. Take a look at the county by county map for the 2000 election, when terrorsim wasn't even on the radar. The voting distribution is almost identical with respect to major metropolitan areas.

I'm glad you pointed this out though, because based on your premise it does say something about the famed Bush "Politics of Fear" BS. You suggest by your statement above that people in places likely to be attacked should tend to vote for Bush. They didn't. They have the most reason to be afraid, yet, they obviously aren't. Poll after poll shows rural folks aren't afraid either...sooo, if Bush is a fear monger, where is all the fear??

Aside from that, how was John Kerry's discussion of the terrorsists more optimistic than Bush? It wasn't. He criticized Bush for not doing enough, saying we were LESS SAFE and in MORE danger. But apparently that doesn't cause fear.

Visceral said:
Um... no... 51% voted for Bush.

And funny enough, more people voted against Bush than have voted against any candidate in history.
He said county.

Statistics are great huh? Also "funny enough", Bush got more votes FOR him than any presidential candidate in history, by almost 5 million votes!!. Imagine that!! Bottom line it was a close election with record turnouts as far as gross numbers - so of course records were bound to be set. Though I'm not specifically refering to you, I love how the Democrats castigated Bush for not winning the popular vote in 2000, but after facing a clear popular and electoral loss (as well as defeat in Congress), are resorting to citing the numbers who didn't vote for the president. And this (along with protesting, apparently) is supposed prove something? Smells like desperation.
Funny how you're quick at pointing fingers to Clinton when he was the one that raised the economy from an almost 12 year depression!!! Yeah, you didnt mention either what 12 years of Regan/Bush sr did to all our unions/sindicates!!! Yes do you know what they WERE??? It gave workers work stability and some dignity, employers couldnt threaten you just like that.
Clinton lucked into a economic boom that was also on a down turn before he even left office. Bush was handed a economy going in the hole. The dot coms went bust. We were hurting with Clinton in office. Clinton didn't raise any thing. He just lucked out.
Then his policies or lack there of set us up for 9/11.
I won't argue about the domestic policies of the Reagan/Bush Sr era. I think workers rights have come a long way.
Yeah, he lucked into it, and Bush "lucked" into a poorer one. Neither were/provided the cause nor solution, but are stigmatized with it because the are the president. Shouldn't be praised for the good nor blamed for the bad, because they directly have a very minute effect on it.

9/11 wasn't Clinton's fault, nor Bush's. Blame can be spread everywhere, but it would've happened with any presidency. I don't think a different president would've prevented it...damage had been long done, before Clinton was in office.

Chris hit it on the head as far as the great economic boom people give Clinton credit for.
Under a different President I think the fight would have been taken to Osma before 9/11. I don't think Reagan was the world's best President. Hey had flaws like any person does. I do think people knew not to f**k around with the US when he was in office.
Darkness said:
Exactly, this hatred has been going on for a long time, ever since we started supporting a certain not so popular country in the M.E.
Does your coment have to do with Jews? Are you speaking of Israel?

I suppose Clinton lucked into a balanced budget as well. Not a trillion dollars in the red.
And as far as 9/11 is concerned. Did Bush manage to catch the real target of the war on terrorism? No I believe he is still holing up in a cave somewhere laughing and threatening us. But we did get a guy with no real army, no real link to Al queda, and no WMD's (Though we were told he had them).

I had no like for either candidate. But since Bush didn't seem to make much of an impression on education. Though he again promised to make it better. And he didn't work to unite people. Though he has promised to do it again. I can say I was less for Bush than for Kerry. Though I thought mickey mouse would have been a better choice than those 2.

Hey did any one hear how Mickey Mouse did this election? I havent heard mention of the write ins!