first impression of new Pro 5.0

Dr. Wu 2000

New Member
Feb 16, 2004
Eastern, Pa.
I installed the Pro 5.0 w/UPR trick stick today. First impresion after only driving with it for about 1/2 hour before the skies opened up was I don't
think the stock shifter is all that bad. :shrug: I didn't really have any problems with the stock unit other than the ocassional missed 3rd to 4th
shift. Never had a problem going 2-3. Everybody said that shifter is a must mod, so I did it. Install was relatively easy. The problem I have with it is the
2 to 3 shift sucks. 3 times I got stuck in between, like it got caught on something. Also, 3 to 4 was no piece of cake either. Twice going 3-4 it went into 2nd. What's up? Maybe I am used to the longer throws and I am forcing
it too much. I wonder if it takes a little time to get used to the new shifter.
A 1/2 hour is not very long, but I expected it to be a much smoother shift. It
is also much louder than the stock shifter. :( Please tell me I need to get used to it and it is a great mod, it must be because everyone gets rid of the
stock one. Just a little dissapointed in it right now. :nonono:
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3 different cars I have owned have had pro 5.0 shifters. None had problems. 2-3 is smooth and 3-4 is always right on. Drive it some more and get a better feel for it. Got one for my girl's 02Gt, and she loves it. :nice:
I've got the pro 5.0 in my '04. I also have the MGW handle. I like the combo very much. I used a gasket instead of the RTV sealant on the shifter & the noise with this setup isn't bad at all. In fact in my case it is almost as quiet as stock.

As far as your case, did you set the stop bolts correctly?
How is your UPR adjustable handle installed? Did you use any of the rubber washers? Did you use all of them? Some of them? None of them? Is the UPR handle positioned so the shift knob is located closer or farther away from your thigh compared to the stock set up?

Reason I ask all this is because I have a Pro 5.0 and MGW handle and when I first installed it I positioned the handle so it was comfortable for me to shift, yet it kept my knuckles out of the radio/CD player on hard 2-3 shifts. The first few hundred miles took some getting used to again because my hand & arm were so familiar with the old stock location and the rubbery/flimsy shifter. Also make sure your stops are adjusted out. The T56 has internal stops so technically you don't need the mechanical stops built into the Pro 5.0... just ensure the stops are not preventing the shifter from going all the way in gear.

I have made the mistake of grabbing a handfull of 2nd gear when I was going for 4th! :doh: It happened soon after the install of my new shifter... never happened again though!

Give it time... you'll get used to it pretty quick!

Uncle Meat said:
How is your UPR adjustable handle installed? Did you use any of the rubber washers? Did you use all of them? Some of them? None of them? Is the UPR handle positioned so the shift knob is located closer or farther away from your thigh compared to the stock set up?

Reason I ask all this is because I have a Pro 5.0 and MGW handle and when I first installed it I positioned the handle so it was comfortable for me to shift, yet it kept my knuckles out of the radio/CD player on hard 2-3 shifts. The first few hundred miles took some getting used to again because my hand & arm were so familiar with the old stock location and the rubbery/flimsy shifter. Also make sure your stops are adjusted out. The T56 has internal stops so technically you don't need the mechanical stops built into the Pro 5.0... just ensure the stops are not preventing the shifter from going all the way in gear.

I have made the mistake of grabbing a handfull of 2nd gear when I was going for 4th! :doh: It happened soon after the install of my new shifter... never happened again though!

Give it time... you'll get used to it pretty quick!

Meat, I did not get any rubber washers with the pro 5.0 shifter. Should I have? Are you taliking about using stock one's. :shrug: The position of the handle is about the same as the stock unit. Maybe I will go out and buy some
rubber washers and install them. Do you put them in between the bolts and the shifter handle? I figure a little more time with it and I should be ok. I tend to overreact sometimes. :( As far as the stops go, I think they are set correctly. I held both 1st and 2nd gear all the way locked in gear, turned the bolts until they touched, then backed them off 1 turn. Did check after that to
make sure when fully in gear they did not touch, and I was ok. :nice:
Dr. Wu 2000 said:
Meat, I did not get any rubber washers with the pro 5.0 shifter. Should I have?

I can't remember whether the rubber washers/grommets came with my MGW handle or the Pro 5.0 shifter!? Either way I didn't use any! I like the solid, mechanical, click-click-click you get as you row through the gears. The rubber washers if installed will reduce vibration in the shifter handle.

Sounds like you just need to drive it a little more and get used to it. Don't try to force that 2-3 shift, a very gently forward pressure on the back of the shifter should send it right up into 3rd. It will guide itself without much need for assistance.

It's not so much that an aftermarket shifter makes it easier to shift, even though for most people it does, but it's the positive stops that the aftermarket shifters have that is the more desirable point to getting one IMO...They help save your shift forks better than the stock shifter does...

I think my Tri-ax helped me improve my shifting though...I rarely miss a gear now and when I do it's usually when I let the clutch out too fast and I don't shift fast enough at the track...
Like any shifter, the Pro.5 takes getting used to, and not unlike the stock shifter, if you try to push it you're going to find the wrong gear. 2-3 and 5-4
--in the 5-speed box, are the changes that I screwed up first time out because I was trying too hard. After a couple of hours, your hand/wrist/arm get retrained and you marvel at how quick and precise each shift is. 2-3 in particular is great --a slight pressure on the left-rear edge of the stick is all it takes. Relax, you'll get it.
It is a getting used to it issue. The Pro5.0 is very positive compared to the stock noodle. When you finally get acclimated to it, you will be able to shift easy or pound the gears with ease.

U.M. correct in stating that you should make sure that the stops aren't turned in too far. Even though the T56 has internal stops, the ones on the shifter are just an added safety bonus.

One question, though. Is there anybody out there like me that likes the short Pro5.0 handle? I like the position of it and the quickness that it provides. To each his own, I guess.

:flag: :nice:
CobraCruiser said:
One question, though. Is there anybody out there like me that likes the short Pro5.0 handle? I like the position of it and the quickness that it provides. To each his own, I guess.

:flag: :nice:

I've got a Kirban handle, which is basically exactly like the Pro5.0, and I love it. I've got it on my stock shifter now and it made a big difference in feel.
Had the car out a little yesterday after I installed the Predator tune. I am getting more comfy with it now. :D Just took some time. I stopped forcing it
so much and let the shifter do what it's supposed to do. :nice: By the way,
love the Predator, really wakes up first gear. This is getting interesting !!! :banana: