Got a ticket for modified exhaust.


Founding Member
Sep 27, 2001
Hey guys/gals,

I was cruising around with my baffles out and was revving my engine up. Low and behold there happened to be a motorcycle CHP at the other end of the intersection (stupid me):doh:

Of course I get pulled over and I threw my hands up you got me playing. He was cool, but after I put my baffles in and go to the police station they said I have to remove my bassanis and put my stock back on for it to be legal.
I said the baffles are in...he said but it's not smog legal. I said sure it is (my word against his) but of course he didn't believe me.

So what do I do? Get written proof from Bassani then take it to an officer for sign off? I know there are some police officers on this board, wondering if any one here can help out. :nice:

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OMG, thats ****ing bull ****....since when does a cat back have anything to do with about going to an inspection station and have them do an emissions test on do have cats on the car correct??
That cop was BORED. I was stuck in traffic one time on the freeway. I'm literally doing 0 mph. Motorcycle cop pulls up to me on the shoulder, I role down the window, and he says "Your windows are tinted...that's illegal. Take it off or next time I see you I"ll give you a ticket."


Sure...OK. My tint is like 30% on the sides. :shrug: But he said NOTHING about my LT's, o/r H, and flowmaster exhaust.

I would just go get a certificate saying you passed should be all the cop needs to void the ticket.
I think that you can contest the ticket. I was reading somewhere that they are allowing you to contest it and you will have to have it tested for db and emission levels. Also there already is a list started so if you have one that is one the list you should be safe. I think I read it in the USA Today.

As for the underlined word, it is paid advertisement through Stangnet. Hover over it and you will see where it directs you!
Well I just got back from another CHP office and found a cool Officer. :cool:
Found a CHP walking out of the office and ask if he could sign my ticket off.
He said sure and asked which car? before I answered I aske are you a Ford guy? :D He said yes.

I told him what happen and that I have my CATs and Muffs in place. He said start her up. Right after I turned the engine over he goes..."OK! It's fine, not even close to what my '66 sounds like" hehe. Bitchen!

He signed it off and no probs. It's just which officer you end up with at the moment I guess. :shrug:

Thanks guys. :nice:


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tfritz said:
Hey guys/gals,

I was cruising around with my baffles out and was revving my engine up. Low and behold there happened to be a motorcycle CHP at the other end of the intersection (stupid me):doh:

Of course I get pulled over and I threw my hands up you got me playing. He was cool, but after I put my baffles in and go to the police station they said I have to remove my bassanis and put my stock back on for it to be legal.
I said the baffles are in...he said but it's not smog legal. I said sure it is (my word against his) but of course he didn't believe me.

So what do I do? Get written proof from Bassani then take it to an officer for sign off? I know there are some police officers on this board, wondering if any one here can help out. :nice:


I had the same thing happen to me here in San Diego. I was driving casually and wasn't even getting on it. Then this SDPD mortorcycle cop pulls me over. The first thing he said to me is "Do you know you have a modified vehicle that is illeagal in the state of California?" He said my exhaust was illegal. I also have Bassani's. He then said that My windshield banner was illeagal and that I didn't have a front license plate. He gave me a fix it ticket for the windshield banner and the license plate. He said since I wasn't getting on it or shifting fast he would let me go for the exhaust but had I been getting on it he would of gave me a ticket. What is it illegal to accelerate now a days? The cop was a dick he even made me open my hood. The last thing he says to me is I see you around here all the time and I have been meaning to pull you over, I just haven't had the time until now.

I think it is shi@#y that these cops have nothing better to do than to harass someone that isn't even doing anything wrong. Glad to hear that you found a good Cop to hook you up.
01 SN8K said:
I had the same thing happen to me here in San Diego. I was driving casually and wasn't even getting on it. Then this SDPD mortorcycle cop pulls me over. The first thing he said to me is "Do you know you have a modified vehicle that is illeagal in the state of California?" He said my exhaust was illegal. I also have Bassani's. He then said that My windshield banner was illeagal and that I didn't have a front license plate. He gave me a fix it ticket for the windshield banner and the license plate. He said since I wasn't getting on it or shifting fast he would let me go for the exhaust but had I been getting on it he would of gave me a ticket. What is it illegal to accelerate now a days? The cop was a dick he even made me open my hood. The last thing he says to me is I see you around here all the time and I have been meaning to pull you over, I just haven't had the time until now.

I think it is shi@#y that these cops have nothing better to do than to harass someone that isn't even doing anything wrong. Glad to hear that you found a good Cop to hook you up.

That sucks dude! I agree, some cops just have it in for you. You know, if you had a sleeper (BMW M3) and got on it just the same the cop wouldn't even notice. :notnice:

It's just our cars with the exhaust attracts too much attention. When I take off from a light, everyone and their grandmother thinks I'm WOTing it and stands on it thinking I'm trying to run them. :shrug: It's kinda funny though...they really think I'm putting some effort into it lol shifting at 2800 RPM. :rolleyes:
The no license plate is always something they love to add to the ticket list, but I can't blame them for that one...I know it should be on, but the sticker?? Cmon!

01 donkey_punch said:
thats great. i would of offered to buy that cop lunch, or coffe and cop cakes (thats donuts where i'm from)

I thought about that, but he was pretty busy and a thanks and a handshake seem appropriate. To be honest I don't think he would except, I'm sure the look on my face showed how thankful I was. :worship:
It's really all about the officer you're dealing with. My best bud is local pd. He always tells me that if I get a front plate ticket to bring it to him and he'll clear it. He drives an ls1 transam NO FRONT PLATE. Same thing with exhaust. It's my understanding that if you modify your exhaust for the purpose of increased sound only it's a bust. My 66 fastback is quite freakin loud, He tells me no problem since I clearly have headers and flowmasters for more than just sound. What ever most cops are pretty damn cool. Treat them like people. Cops who are strictly traffic, (which is a small percentage) tend to be a little inflexible, it's pretty much their job description. CHP are really tough, but many of them are car guys. I've had some great conversations with CHP's on the side of the road. Let's face it many of us drive like madmen. Everyday someone doesn't write me a ticket, it's a lucky day. When it happens be cool and it might get a little better.