h/c/i install


Active Member
Oct 11, 2005
well im just gonna tease you guys with out pics!!!!lol everything seemed to go right until we broke that thrust plate. but we got the headers, heads, intake on, so all we need to do is put the radiator on, a/c and all the stuff up front. my headers didn't bolt right up to my x-pipe so im gonna take it to the shop for that. we would of finished the ride today if it wasn't for the plate. as soon as we get the plate it'll take us about 6 hours to put all the little things back on. so far its going better than expected. only lost my temper once, but that was at the ford dealer, were they argued with me that a fox body and my style intake was exctly the same. we argued for a good 5 minutes then i took him to the truck and shut his ass up real quick!!!!!!lol:owned:
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