help. cervini hood covered in cheap spray paint. Best way to remove


Dirt-Old 20+Year Member
Aug 20, 2004
I bought a cervini hood used, it was painted with spray paint out of a can. It needs to come off. Is their any easier way than sanding, which I am doing now. Chemical strippers? Will that hurt the gel coat? Or do I just tough it out and continue sanding away? :eek:
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Try pouring some Castrol Super Clean on it and letting it set up and then scrub it off with a soft brush.

It works on taking spray paint off of plastic car models and doesnt affect the plastic so it shouldnt hurt fiberglass either.
4bangstangvert said:
sand it..........stripper on pretty much anything besides metal = bad news

Yep...don't even screw with trying to strip it, just sand it really good. Don't get lazy and try to rush it and take the easy way out. It's a good hood so take your time and sand it right, then primer it and you'll be set.