Help design Project Bolt-On's new paint


New Member
Feb 13, 2003
Manhattan, Kansas
Project Bolt-On is the car that myself and Stinger performance built to utilize his parts on a stock engine. Now we are trying to get some ideas together for a paint job to put on the car this year.

For 06 I wanted to leave it one color and make it look plain and let the performance stand out. Now with the car getting dialed in more everyday I'm ready to consider some paint options.

We want to see photo choppers apply a three color paint scheme. Main color being black, a bottom portion being bright red and trimmed or split the colors in silver.

I can also provide a straight on side shot if needed.
Wish I knew how to chop! Ask IIcrazy, he chops stuff for people in the Virtual Body shop all the time.
EDIT: One idea could be to use the paint scheme Stinger had on his '91 LX just using the colors you want (black with silver/red); to pay tribute to where it all began.
Man, I have a killer paint job in mind but I'm no good with paintshop.

Also, I hate to nag sounds like you're being pretty specific with the paint scheme. Main color black, bottom portion red, trimmed in silver? Sounds like a pretty plain-jane paint job for a race car (to me) and if someone follows those rules, doesn't seem to me like it allows much room for creativity.
tealtiger: The "Fourced" paint was on my mind and after I made the thread here it sounded like thats wanted I anyway. I'll be talking to him about that one too.

Red: Yeah I definitely know what you're saying. But if I didn't narrow it down to much people would probably coming up with $10k paint schemes and you know how cheap I am anyway.

I guess in a nut shell I'm looking for some cool ideas to split the black and red and maybe incorporate a large "Stinger Performance" down the sides.
What if you just specified those three colors, though, to restrict them? Or are you just not wanting a bunch of crazy graphics that will require a lot of work to lay out (which is what I had in mind).

What about black on top, red on bottom, with silver flames in between somewhere?