how low can a stock eaton go?


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Upstate NY
I popped a pair of deuces with my uncracked Eaton, upper pulley only serpent Sunday, in the cool dense fall air. :spot:
Two runs 11.21 and 11.26, but neither one was even close to perfect so how low will this freak of nature go? :shrug:

Early sprinkles delayed the start and robbed everyone of one of their qual runs. On the first run of the overcast day, I was trying both to make a fast run and practice cutting a light, so of course I redlighted. The temp 60, RH 71%, 2mph headwind, 30.29 press which yielded a 554 ft density altitude (603 actual). I launched at 4500, maybe a little low, had too much air in the tire (13lbs), because I spun a bit, but that might have helped me get that 123+ top end?? WTF 123.5 is just sick!! I only got a 1.666 60 ft, so I really think there is something left there because on the second run I got my lowest 60ft ever, 1.600 (just missed 1.5xx) and fastest 1/8 at 100.21 but I feathered and played with the gas (no brake) at the 1000ft mark to keep my nose ahead on my 2nd run eliminator, but my .26 was on a .37 dial so I went too fast even though I got off the gas bigtime?? :bang:
Bracket racing against the crusty veterans can be frustrating enough with a street car with a stick but it is especially worse when you don't know how fast your car will go and terminators are so very finicky when it comes to temp and air conditions, oh well, I just want to be in the game.

here is the tale of the tape:

click here to see both slips, too wide for thread

movies of the deuces in a couple days, I finally made a movie of my 3 11.3's from last Weds test-N-tune so I could upload that, which at the time were the three quickest and fastest runs I had under my belt up to that point!?

Man, gotta love that cool, dense fall air, because our terminators do!!!! :flag:
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Uncle Meat said:
Well technically that's not a stock Eaton... Once you put a smaller pulley on it's been modded.

Good times none the less though! :nice:


yes, yes Inspector Meat, I made a typo. My post says unported upper only and my sig so there is no deception, no getting anything by you bud. :flag:

anywho, I made a movie of my last test-n-tune night, I ran 3 11.3xx's, so I call it trip on the treys. have at it boys, remember for best results right click it and save, play after downloaded completely, it is 29 mg so...

click here for trips on the treys

Feedback is always appreciated.
04_snake said:
yes, yes Inspector Meat, I made a typo. My post says unported upper only and my sig so there is no deception, no getting anything by you bud. :flag:
Inspector Meat... :rolleyes: You're a real card there buddy. :nice: I was just pointing out that your post was slightly misleading based on it's title...

Just for the record BADASS03SVT ran [email protected] with a totally STOCK Eaton/STOCK pulley and the quickest and fastest non-pullied, non-ported Eaton on the planet happens to be sonic03snake with an 11.361@ 121.64! Now THAT's impressive! :nice: :flag:

Uncle Meat said:
Inspector Meat... :rolleyes: You're a real card there buddy. :nice: I was just pointing out that your post was slightly misleading based on it's title...

Just for the record BADASS03SVT ran [email protected] with a totally STOCK Eaton/STOCK pulley and the quickest and fastest non-pullied, non-ported Eaton on the planet happens to be sonic03snake with an 11.361@ 121.64! Now THAT's impressive! :nice: :flag:


yup, Lou is the man, his mad driving skilz made him the WFC8 champion, he actually helped set me up my unimpressive ride in a BIG way and gave me many tips on how to drive my car faster. :cheers:
Come on MeatbyProducts, we all want to see your ride running down the track, man that would get some hits! I know I would pop some corn for the world premiere!
04_snake said:
yup, Lou is the man, his mad driving skilz made him the WFC8 champion, he actually helped set me up my unimpressive ride in a BIG way and gave me many tips on how to drive my car faster. :cheers:
Come on MeatbyProducts, we all want to see your ride running down the track, man that would get some hits! I know I would pop some corn for the world premiere!
My car's been down the track before... Videos are located in "My Garage". Currently it's a garage queen though... Sits there under a cover for months at a time never even being started, totally neglected. Maybe I'll take it out when the average daytime temps drop below 95 degrees around here and the bugs go away for winter.

Uncle Meat said:
My car's been down the track before... Videos are located in "My Garage". Currently it's a garage queen though... Sits there under a cover for months at a time never even being started, totally neglected. Maybe I'll take it out when the average daytime temps drop below 95 degrees around here and the bugs go away for winter.


Hey Uncle Zappa,
I tried to look at those movies in your garage 6 mos ago and again yesterday and today, no big deal but those links just go into "waiting for", that why I forgot about'm, but I'm sure their good and I'll take your word on it. Funny how you guys' season in the deep south is just the opposite of ours in the Great White North, I need a vacation home down that way so I can race all year, how cool would that be! I mean for the guys that like to race, anyway.
04_snake said:
Hey Uncle Zappa,
I tried to look at those movies in your garage 6 mos ago and again yesterday and today, no big deal but those links just go into "waiting for", that why I forgot about'm, but I'm sure their good and I'll take your word on it. Funny how you guys' season in the deep south is just the opposite of ours in the Great White North, I need a vacation home down that way so I can race all year, how cool would that be! I mean for the guys that like to race, anyway.
Those links work great for everyone else? They've been posted at that same url for 2+ years now. Must be a problem on your end. :shrug: Are you streaming them or are you right-clicking and trying to "SAve-As"?

Yeah our drag strip is open year round here and we get some of the best DA anywhere in the winter months makes for some very quick times when the tracks hooking. Only $10 to watch or run during the Friday night test-n-tune.

Uncle Meat said:
Those links work great for everyone else? They've been posted at that same url for 2+ years now. Must be a problem on your end. :shrug: Are you streaming them or are you right-clicking and trying to "SAve-As"?

Yeah our drag strip is open year round here and we get some of the best DA anywhere in the winter months makes for some very quick times when the tracks hooking. Only $10 to watch or run during the Friday night test-n-tune.


I'm sure it is just my problem, but I always (attempt) to save before running, but no go for your stuff?


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