I have heat again.

Bearded Forever

Type O Danzigative the Dark
Founding Member
Sep 4, 2000
I went slow ans easy. Ended up with 3 extra screws and a sore back and hands. Now I can continue to be the victim of Miata fly bys in sub *40 weather and be comfortable.
This was the easiet heater core swap ever 'cause I didn't help, just supplied the garage/tools!

While he did that I did some exhaust changes on my LX. Any project on a Mustang is easier than a heater core swap!

Does anyone else have to take Dramamine (motion sickness pills) to work on their Mustang? If I go under the car and come out quick I try to spew and can't keep my balance. Heck that's fun!

I think its just your body hasnt adjusted to working on one of your own vehicles yet. Give it time..