i have the worst luck


My 97 GTP owns you ALL!
Mar 31, 2005
Muhlenberg, ky
wellim off work for a couple weeks cause we ran out of logs to saw and i dont help them cut em down. I still had a jod as an umpire for a rokkie leauge at our local school. 60/wk for 4 games (enough to pay for gas for a week in the explorer) I was supose to umpire today but they didnt play on the field i ump on. one of my buddy was there shooting b-ball so i joined in and then more people showed so we go a 4 on 4 game going. about halfway through the game i came down on my left ankle real hard. it bent it sideway and backwards and i heard a loud snap. Its either broke or sprian to the worst extent cause i cant move it. i took 2 7.5's and can still feel the pain(no im not a drug head LOL)

Now i wont have any money coming off.

if i need money rear real bad i think i might have to sell the cam and push rods but i couldnt live with myself then.

sorry so long.

:SNSign: FTW
You can make 50 bucks a week here in Bloomington selling plasma.

Im sure you got a lot of other stuff of value other than your cam you can sell. If you need ideas let me know.

Last week I was down on money and needed to pay my rent. I managed to make 300 bucks on eBay just selling random stuff I had kept in my closet and forgot about. Sold my college books back cuz I was already ready for my finals. that was another 75. Bought a lotto ticket for a buck and won 10 so there is another 9.

All together I managed to scrap up $384 in 4 days. Granted, I cant exactly do it every week... but in desperate times one can certainly pull in some quick income.

I dont reccommend buying a lotto ticket.. that was just good luck.. and well.. you dont have any