I think I blew the tranny :(


New Member
Mar 26, 2004
Well like ten minutes ago I passed by my friends house and decided to do a 2nd gear burn out. So I do and it does it pretty good and I start letting go of the break a little bit and start moving while burning the tires. Well out of no where I hear this CLUNK sound and I hit the clutch and try to get it into first or second and it wont. So I try a little bit more and finally it goes into first. At first it was hard getting it from first to second. Now when I drive I hear like theres broken glass on the car somewhere when its around 2500 rpm's. Also it smells a hell of a lot like clutch. What do you think happened? I ****ed the tranny or the clutch is finally burned out?
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my vote is for the clutch, because the tranny wouldn't have anything to do with rpms. so that leaves the clutch as the culprit i believe :nice: but i'm no expert with that, i'd have a mechanic check it out for sure. unless you are brave enough to change a clutch out yourself & check :nice:
I've had mine lock up on me once or twice before after getting on it hard. Not sure what happened, but when I'd go to shift it wasn't moving at all, then after a few seconds it would go in. But my clutch is fine and I don't have any problems with it, so who knows.